Follow the best road trip on YouTube. Our plan is to follow the Panamericana, pick up hitchhikers and travel as cheaply as possible. We will surf the pacific coast on every wave between Chile and Alaska, learn about Latino culture and through this amazing adventure and go on a voyage of self discovery as we struggle to keep our VW Bus alive. 3 months it took us to get through Peru, here you can see the adventure unfold. We surfed the longest waves in the world at Chicama and Lobitos, we sandboarded in the highest dunes in the world, we explored the incredible Machu Picchu, we helped shape The House Project and of course we welcomed the arrival of our Peruvian puppy, "Alaska", soon to be the most traveled dog in the world! Follow the adventure @ If this video is blocked in your country you can view the video via this link:


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A new scientist surveys a lesser known Moche site and successfully shatters all established theroeis when he uncovers evidence that the weather was not to blame for the downfall of this civilisation. Fascinating BBC documentary.


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Pretty much the deepest canyon on earth, Colca Canyon in Peru is impossibly huge, scorchingly hot and unbelievably beautiful. We spent 3 very sizeable, unguided days trekking from top to bottom and back again. - Music: The Hunt by Youth Lagoon - Shot with: GoPro HD and Nikon 3100


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Machu Picchu (del quechua machu, viejo, y picchu cima, es decir, "cima vieja") es el nombre contemporáneo de las ruinas de una antigua llacta (poblado) inca de piedra (cuyo nombre original habría sido Picchu o Picho [1]) construido a mediados del siglo XV en el promontorio rocoso que une las montañas Machu Picchu y Huayna Picchu en la Provincia de Urubamba, en la Región Cusco, en Perú. Documentos coloniales [2] sugieren que Machu Picchu habría sido una especie de palacio privado de Pachacutec o Inca Yupanqui (primer emperador inca, 1438-1470). Sin embargo algunas de sus mejores construcciones y el evidente carácter ceremonial de la principal vía de acceso a la ciudad testimonian que ésta fue usada como un santuario religioso [3]. Ambos usos (palacio y santuario) no habrían sido incompatibles. Las investigaciones de las últimas décadas, en cambio, han descartado el supuesto carácter militar de Machu Picchu (por lo que los populares calificativos de "fortaleza" o "ciudadela" han sido superados) [4] Machu Picchu es considerada al mismo tiempo una obra maestra de la arquitectura y la ingeniería [5]. Está en la lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad desde 1983. Sus peculiares características arquitectónicas y paisajísticas y el velo de misterio que ha tejido a su alrededor buena parte de la literatura publicada sobre el sitio, lo han convertido en uno de los destinos turísticos más populares del mundo [6] y el principal de Perú, donde es un ícono nacional.


0 repins 0 comments El tour Inca Jungle es el mejor trail de aventura en Cusco durante 4 días. Combina biking, rafting, zip line, trekking e incluye transporte, alimentación, alojamiento, guía, entradas a Machupicchu y Huaynapicchu. Nuestra empresa es un tour operador local que se especializa en deportes de aventura como caminatas, ciclismo de montaña, canotaje, deslizamientos por cables metálicos a lo largo de diferentes rutas en Cusco, diversificando así la oferta turística tradicional. Por ello promovemos tours como Salkantay trek, Inca jungle, Inca trail, asi mismo ofrecemos tours especializados en ciclismo de montaña y cuatrimotos en diferentes caminos fuera de los circuitos tradicionales. The inca jungle tour is an exclusive adventure journey of 4 days that combines mountain biking, rafting and trekking and zip line arriving at the complex of Machu Picchu and Huaynapicchu. If you are one of those travelers that couldn't book the space to make the inca trail, don't feel bad and think that you have a great alternative to have an adventure from a different angle and reserve the inca jungle. We are a local tour operator, that specializes in adventure sports like trekking, biking, rafting and zipline through different paths of Cusco, diversifying the classic tourism offerings. That's the reason why we promote tours like Salkantay trek, Inca jungle, Inca trail. We also offer specialized tours like mountain biking and Quad o ATV in different paths out of the classic routes. Inka Jungle Tour


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The real reason for the loss of such an industrious civilisation is uncovered. Although the Moche people survived years of sand storms and torturous drought, in the end their biggest enemy was the civilisation itself.


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What happens when you direct one mans trip, choose his country to visit and vote on what he has to do each day while in that country? Well lucky we had a GoPro strapped to Dan's every waking movement! Peru in all its glory as directed by you, Cover-More's Facebook friends. Music: Avec Sans Remix, Swiss Lips - 'U Got The Power' Buy their album here:


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My travels around Peru and Argentina with Contiki in Sept 2011. The first of several compilation videos of my trips so far. Read more at: Follow Me: Twitter- Facebook - Tumblr - Google + - Stumbleupon - Flickr- Youtube - Learn more about my Contiki trip at :


0 repins 0 comments Arequipa la Ciudad Blanca del eterno cielo azul, tambien llamada Ciudad Caudillo. En Arequipa la suntuosidad de los monumentos religiosos de sillar volcánico , las nobles casonas de proporciones bien equilibradas, las fachadas esculpidas con su continuidad espacial en el interior, puertas y ventanas flanqueadas por pilastras, coronadas por frontones en relieve que hacen juego con los grandes muros, son un conjunto monumental, que junto con sus calles y plazas, aseguran la armonía y la integridad del paisaje urbano, y dan a la ciudad un valor urbano excepcional. Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad UNESCO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Arequipa "The White City" Arequipa known as the "White City". Much of the city center is built of sillar, a white volcanic stone. Three volcanoes, in fact, tower over the city; Chachani, Misti, and Pichu Pichu. The city is filled with Colonial churches and mansions. Santa Catalina, a restored convent established in 1579 and open to the public since 1970 is surrounded by imposing high walls; it is like a city within a city. The nums who lived in that convent led a completed secluded life. Currently they are confined to a small section, so the remaining is open to the public for visiting. The imposing Cathedral on the Plaza de Armas, reconstructed in 1844, La Compañia (Jesuit's church) on the south-eastern corner of the Plaza de Armas is one of the oldest churches in Arequipa, and withstood the earthquakes that shake this city quite often. San Francisco, La Merced and some of the restored mansions (Casa del Moral and the Casa de Tristan del Pozo. Peru travel.


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En verano de 1987 el Arqueologo Walter Alva con su equipo del Museo Bruning empezaron los trabajos arqueologicos en Sipan. LAMBAYEQUE - PERU Phone: 00511 074283977 Uno de los principales objetivos del Restaurante Cultural Mesa de Piedra es incentivar todo aquella tradición , cultura , costumbre, etc, que sea autóctona del Perú , la que cada que como obligación tiene el Restaurante ,el hacer posible difundirlo. aquí los dejamos disfrutando Restaurant Cultural Mesa de Piedra Cieneguilla - LIMA PERÚ Facebook : Telf : 01 479 8680


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Viaje que hice recorriendo Latinoamérica. Por años fue solo un sueño, pero poco a poco el sueño fue tomando forma haste que un día tomé la decisión. Renuncié a mi trabajo de 8 años en una oficina , vendí mi auto y asi obtuve algo de dinero. Compré un pasaje a Tucumán con la idea de viajar sin tiempos para el norte. Llegué a México a los 9 meses en los cuales recorrí el norte de Argentina, Bolivia, Perú, Brasil (cruzando el amazonas en un viaje de 8 dias en un barco) Venezuela, Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua y de ahi a dedo hasta el sur de México donde me quedé 4 meses.


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"All Night" is taken from the IS TROPICAL album "I'm Leaving" Order "I'm Leaving" - Filmed on location in Ghana / Iceland / Peru / Indonesia Directed by Léonce Barbezieux & Richard Minier Written by Richard Minier & Leslie Dubest for Capitales Inconnues Produced by Kitsuné/Heavy Surf/Together Thanks to Pernod


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La historia de la Estacion de Monserrate - Peru El Ferrocarril Central del Perú puede considerarse entre los ferrocarriles más notables del mundo, por las dificultades técnicas vencidas y por el elevado nivel al que llega ascendiendo a por la cordillera de los Andes, debe ser considerado sin lugar a dudas el que partiendo del Callao arriba a la pintoresca ciudad de Huancayo, en la región central andina del Perú. Es el único tren en Sudamérica, entre los de trocha normal de 1,435 m, que alcanza a una altura sobre el nivel del mar de aproximadamente 4.781 msnm en el túnel de Galera. El punto más alto es La Cima, 4.835 msnm que se halla situado en el ramal minero de Ticlio a Morococha. Este punto excede en 17 m hasta Collahuasi, lugar más elevado del ferrocarril minero de Antofagasta, Chile, de trocha de 1 m que tenía 4.818 msnm. Así durante muchos años este fue el ferrocarril más que llegaba a la mayor altura sobre el nivel del mar, solo recientemente fue sobrepadaso por el Ferrocarril Qinghai--Tíbet que alcanza la cota 5.072 msnm. Para alcanzar tal altura el tren atraviesa 41 puentes, 60 túneles, y alrededor de 13 zigzags. Empleando casi 8 h para el recorrer la distancia de 172 km que separan el Callao de Galera. La línea remonta el curso del río Rímac y sus afluentes hasta Chinchán, como 7 km más allá de Casapalca, parada importante establecida en la falda occidental de la cordillera andina, destinada a la concentración de minerales y continúa ascendiendo hasta la cumbre de los Andes que atraviesa por el túnel de galera. Desde allí desciende hacia el lado opuesto siguiendo el curso del río Yauli, que pertenece a la vertiente Atlántica, hasta La Oroya. Después sigue ya el curso del río Mantaro y lo cruza y llega a la estación de Tambo, pasando por el centro del valle de y por pueblos muy bellos como Jauja, Apata, Matahuasi, Concepción y finalmente Huancayo.


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I found out that a lot of people are wondering if glidecam is allowed to bring on carry-on on the plane... so I made this video to show something... Don't forget to thumbs up, share, comment and subscribe! Watch in HD! Filmed on May 11,2013 - on way to Peru from Austin, Texas Check out my other YouTube channels! Mitch's epic videos! Mitch's scooter stuff! My facebook fan page Follow me on instagram! Follow me on Twitter


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Alex Chacon riding his KLR 650 from Texas to Argentina on an Epic Modern Motorcycle Diaries through some of the most remote, amazing and spectacular places on earth. Visit for more!


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Loreto Travel & Tours (Paquetes y Tours)


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Infectious samba rhythms; towering Andean peaks scraping their fingers against the heavens; the tangy bite of chumuchurri on Argentina asado; the leathery skin of a Galápagos tortoise; the distinctive whiff of a llama on the Inca Trail... South America has a sensation for all senses. The Andes dominate our new 2012 trips here (much like they do everything else), and our Local Living program will bring you in touch with a side of Patagonia you'd otherwise never see. Bring your camera; you won't believe it was real otherwise. Visit us at


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South America - Around the World in 80 Gardens (Travel Documentary) If I have learned only one thing from my travels around the world it is that no garden is an island. Context is everything.' Monty Don visits each continent in this landmark series on gardens of the world. We are introduced to the unique floating gardens of the Amazon and the colourful alpine flower meadows of Norway, modest domestic gardens in Havana and Bali, Monet's world-famous Giverny and the Dutch tour-de-force Het Loo, the formal magnificence of Renaissance Italian water gardens, the tropical planting traditions of Thailand, and the intriguing fusion of indigenous and colonial garden cultures in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Each garden is placed in context, horticultural preconceptions are abandoned and Monty is constantly surprised by the unexpected locations where gardens thrive.


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Video from Machu Picchu and Huayna (Wayna) Picchu. Recorded November 11th, 2012 in HD with Panasonic TM900. Music: Los Incas - Amor a Los Andes Ch`uwa Yacu - Tabacundeña Viento De Los Andes - Reflections - Capishca Ch`uwa Yacu - Agua Clara More from Peru: If you enjoyed this video please like, share, comment, favorite! Visit my channel to see more of the most beautiful places on our planet:


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More destination ideas... UNESCO World Heritage sites includes some of the most beautiful, famous and historic landmarks around the world, from Australia's Great Barrier Reef to Egypt's Pyramids. But there are some that you may not have heard as much about--like Peru's "geoglyphs" of Nazca or the ancient center of Edinburgh. NBC Travel Editor Peter Greenberg shares some of his favorite UNESCO sites from around the world.


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In this episode of Explore22, Jordan and team fly to South America to visit and explore Peru. They start their adventure in the Lima airport and make way to Cusco, the ancient city of the Incas. Together with Jordan, Kevin and special guest Fiene Kankel, you will experience arriving in Cusco, exploring local land marks and gaining a general sense of direction within the town. In part2, set to release one month later, Jordan and team dive further into the culture of Peru, visiting market places, constructing a school building for children and paying a visit to a local community center in the country side of Peru. We will also enjoy the nightlife and celebrate Australia day with our Australian house mates. In this episode of Explore22, Jordan and team fly to South America to visit and explore Peru. They start their adventure in the Lima airport and make way to Cusco, the ancient city of the Incas. Together with Jordan, Kevin and special guest Fiene Kankel, you will experience arriving in Cusco, exploring local land marks and gaining a general sense of direction within the town. In part2, set to release one month later, Jordan and team dive further into the culture of Peru, visiting market places, constructing a school building for children and paying a visit to a local community center in the country side of Peru. We will also enjoy the nightlife and celebrate Australia day with our Australian house mates.


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クリスマスの時期になるとアンデスでは血気盛んな男たちが本気で殴り合うケンカ祭り「タカナクイ」が行なわれる。 酔狂同士が殴り合うと聞けば盛り場にありがちな光景を想起させるが、タカナクイではどんな相手とどれだけ盛り上がっても最後はハグで終わり。それまでの争いや諍いは全て水に流さなければいけない。 と耳障りよく語ったところで、やはり「百聞は一見にしかず」。本編後半ではVICE特派員のトーマスが地元民と真剣バトルに挑む。 PART 1 から連続再生はコチラ: Christmas festivities vary widely around the world, and are widely a steaming crock of boring shit. Ooh, Swedish girls wear a crown of candles the night before Chistmas? Please tell me more about this scintillating national cust-snzzzZZZZZZZZZ. In the Peruvian Andes, folks know how to celebrate the season right. What they do is, they put on a colorful ski-mask, dress up like Mad Max mountain bikers, tie a dead eagle to their heads, and get drunk and dance for about a week straight. Then, come Christmas morning, they all gather together in the middle of town and beat the baby bejesus out of each other. Now we're talking, right? The festival is called Takanakuy and its equal parts sporting event, indigenous display of hypermasculine defiance in the face of all the lilywhite metropolitan sissies in Lima, and makeshift judicial system. The province of Chumbivilcas, where Takanakuy takes place, has about three cops total and is a stomach-wrecking 10-hour drive through the mountains to the nearest courthouse. So if you've got a beef with a neighbor or someone's taken your girl or sheep, you don't go crying about it to some judge. You bury it away until Christmas, then get yourself all beered up and exact some Andean justice with your fists and feet. Guys, girls, little kids, old drunk men in high-waisted pants; everybody in town fights at Takanakuy. This year we decided to forego the annual family snoozefest and head into the mountains of Peru to test our mettle against the some of the hardiest people from one of the harshest environments in the Americas. We hope you like it, since it broke our mothers' hearts. VICEチャンネル登録: VICEビデオ・リスト: 公式ウェブサイト: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Instagram:


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In 2008, college students Kristen Jacobson and Siya Zarrabi traveled across the country of Peru to film their first documentary in partnership with Niagara College's International Department. Peru is a country full of history, culture, nature and adventure. Both Kristen and Siya couldn't have anticipated the impact Peru and its people would have on their lives. This developing nation showed them that happiness is measured in moments and relationships and not money and possessions. Join Kristen and Siya from the Andes to the Amazon, and you will see why this South American country certainly classifies as a traveler's paradise. PERU - UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL PART 2 - Kristen Jacobson is an adventure-seeking, risk-taking, travel junkie. She is the creator of travel blog Hopscotch the Globe where you can join her on crazy adventures around the globe: Don't forget to hit "subscribe" to get your regular dose of travel videos. And of course don't forget to follow Kristen and Hopscotch the Globe on: Facebook - Twitter - Pinterest - StumbleUpon -


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a day in CUZCO 2010 shot with Canon 5D2,EF24mm-F2.8,STEADICAM MERLIN ‪‬


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Arica is a commune and a port city with a population of 185,269 in the Arica Province of northern Chile's Arica and Parinacota Region, located only 18 km (11 mi) south of the border with Peru. The city is the capital of both the Arica Province and the Arica and Parinacota Region. Known as the "city of the eternal spring", it was originally a part of Peru but it was lost after the Treaty of Ancon as part of the results of the War of the Pacific. Video by costiflorea


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Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Lima, Peru - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top 5 attractions of Lima, Peru. Number five, Plaza de Armas. Also called Plaza Mayor, this is a central plaza in Lima with historical significance. Back in the 16th century, the city was founded right here. Number four, Cathedral of Lima. A massive baroque cathedral located in Plaza Mayor. Constructed in the 16th century, it is one of the oldest churches in South America. Number three, Paracas Nature Reserve. One of Peru's most popular attractions, located outside of Lima, the nature reserve is home to numerous species amidst beautiful settings. Number two, Presidential Palace. It is home of the President of Peru. The changing of the guard ceremony is worth seeing. And number one, Basilica and Convent of San Francisco. An iconic landmark of Lima that was built in the 17th century, it's a must see attraction for anyone visiting Lima. Keep watching our travel video series. See you next time.


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El centro histórico de Lima es el área de la ciudad de Lima que abarca su emplazamiento original y su edificios más antiguos. El conjunto, emplazado entre los distritos del Cercado y del Rímac, fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad el año de 1988 y es uno de los más importantes destinos turísticos del Perú. Fondos musicales: - Que viva el perú señores - Eva Ayllon - Contigo Perú - Arturo "El Zambo" cavero - Cada domingo a las 12 - Arturo "El Zambo" Cavero - Marinera Norteña "Concheperla"


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La Quiaca, Xavi, Iruya, Uyuni, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Oruro, La Paz, Villazon, Coroico... World is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. Cámara y Edición: Manuel Carvalho. Banda Sonora: Manu Chao, "La Vie a 2".


0 repins 0 comments Volunteer Abroa Peru Cusco Heather Smith Girl's Orphanage


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