Arequipa la Ciudad Blanca del eterno cielo azul, tambien llamada Ciudad Caudillo. En Arequipa la suntuosidad de los monumentos religiosos de sillar volcánico , las nobles casonas de proporciones bien equilibradas, las fachadas esculpidas con su continuidad espacial en el interior, puertas y ventanas flanqueadas por pilastras, coronadas por frontones en relieve que hacen juego con los grandes muros, son un conjunto monumental, que junto con sus calles y plazas, aseguran la armonía y la integridad del paisaje urbano, y dan a la ciudad un valor urbano excepcional. Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad UNESCO ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Arequipa "The White City" Arequipa known as the "White City". Much of the city center is built of sillar, a white volcanic stone. Three volcanoes, in fact, tower over the city; Chachani, Misti, and Pichu Pichu. The city is filled with Colonial churches and mansions. Santa Catalina, a restored convent established in 1579 and open to the public since 1970 is surrounded by imposing high walls; it is like a city within a city. The nums who lived in that convent led a completed secluded life. Currently they are confined to a small section, so the remaining is open to the public for visiting. The imposing Cathedral on the Plaza de Armas, reconstructed in 1844, La Compañia (Jesuit's church) on the south-eastern corner of the Plaza de Armas is one of the oldest churches in Arequipa, and withstood the earthquakes that shake this city quite often. San Francisco, La Merced and some of the restored mansions (Casa del Moral and the Casa de Tristan del Pozo. Peru travel.


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