Culture, tango, steak, ice cream, shopping - there are many reasons for going to Buenos Aires. (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Buenos Aires has European-influenced architecture, the sounds of tango on the street, great culture, the best steaks and the best ice cream. Buenos Aires is a port city. That is why the locals are called Portenos. No wonder Buenos Aires stands for Good Air. I am Ande Wanderer, showing you Buenos Aires.


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▼▼ LEGGETE QUI SOTTO ▼▼ MIGLIOR SITO PER COMPRARE CREDITI PER TUTTE LE CONSOLE: CODICE SCONTO: "Kun" Bella a tutti ragazzi, sono qui a presentarvi questa NUOVA SERIE SU FIFA ULTIMATE. Sarà come potete ben vedere un Road To Argentina ! Spero vivamente che questa nuova serie vi piaccia, per ciò vi chiedo di lasciare un mi piace e un commento e di rispondere alla domanda :) Stupitemi con i mi piace, così continuo (Y) Outro: Khaled - C'est La Vie A presto, da Mister Kun ! ► Seguitemi Sul Mio Profilo Di FaceBook: ► Seguitemi Su FaceBook: ► Seguitemi Su Twitter: ► Seguitemi Su Instagram:


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Hey guys, thank you for watch the vid... i know its so short, and no stuff from me... but well, this is just 1st training week in toronto, and i had dislocated my left elbow... so no train up to october 20 maybe... I promise to make a short vid before the end of October, so please Subscribe, and also leave your comments, In this video, is not just me... there are different guys i met, and filmed them... Thank you, enjoy! Much love for you all! Song: Army Of The Pharaohs --- Into The Arms Of Angels ( Jedi Mind Tricks ) Honors for this video (14) #62 - Most Discussed (Today)) - Argentina #3 - Most Discussed (Today)) - Travel & Events - Argentina #10 - Most Discussed (This Week)) - Travel & Events - Argentina #56 - Most Discussed (This Month)) - Travel & Events - Argentina #36 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Travel & Events - Canada #18 - Most Viewed (Today)) - Travel & Events - Argentina #46 - Top Favorited (Today)) - Argentina #91 - Top Favorited (Today)) - Travel & Events #1 - Top Favorited (Today)) - Travel & Events - Argentina #28 - Top Rated (Today)) - Argentina #75 - Top Rated (Today)) - Travel & Events #2 - Top Rated (Today)) - Travel & Events - Argentina #7 - Top Rated (This Week)) - Travel & Events - Argentina #37 - Top Rated (This Month)) - Travel & Events - Argentina


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How to make Empanadas - Buenos Aires, Argentina Travel Guide Argentina's fast food - learn how empanadas are made and which ones are popular. Location San Telmo Address Tipicamente Argentino Av. Caseros 799 (corner of Piedras) Phone/Contact Info +54 11 4362 7007 Other Information Popular Empanadas - Carne, Ham and Cheese. It is a beautiful day here in Buenos Aires, but I am getting hungry. What can I get that is quick, cheap and filling? Every culture has its fast food, in Argentina it is Empanadas. Empanadas are pastry filled dish that may have meat, cheese or vegetables inside. Depending on the region it may also have spices. We have here a carne empanada, a meat empanada, which is the most popular and traditional empanada in Argentina, and ham and cheese empanada which is also very popular. As you can see these are traditional empanadas which are folded like this and baked and they are delicious. "Most peple think that the empanadas have only meat or ham and cheese filling, but tell us about what you have gere?" "Look, there are people who are vegetarian, so you have empanadas filled with vegetables, cheese and onions (fugazetta) and different combinations." "My name is Gabriel, I am from here, from Buenos Aires. It is the best food in this world, you know. You can have it anytime that you want. Specially when I watch TV football, football NGB, always I like an empanada and a beer with me." Empanadas can be baked or fried. This is a baked empanada of rockford cheese. Rockford is a blue cheese that is delicious in Argentina, unlike in the US it is not pasteurized. I am Ande Wanderer showing you Buenos Aires.


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Viaja alrededor del mundo con "Elefantes por América". Conocer este proyecto de viaje desde Alaska hasta Argentina, descubriendo todo el continente Americano de la mano de su gentes, explorando los lugares más indígenas y las rutas más emocionantes. Síguelo en o suscríbete a nuestro canal. // A trip around the world with Amillionelephants. Follow this trip from Alaska to Argentina. know the American continent travelling from the remotes areas of Alaska till the end of the world in Ushuaia, Argentina. Here a resume of our travels around the world to present the project. You can follow it too in · Idea: Rafa Ocón · Realización: Héctor Roth · Grafismo: Noelia Somalo · Música: Beirut · Agradecimientos: Odaya, Eva, Virginia, Angel, Pedro Localizaciones de rodaje: Tibet, Laos, Camboya, Vietnam, Liverpool, Munich, Haiti, Peru, Ecuador, Varanassi (india) , Goa (India), China, Sri Lanka, Noruega, Austria, Marruecos, Capadoccia (Turquía), Memmingen (Alemania).


0 repins 0 comments Our family seven camps on a Navajo Reservation, then visits Tuba City for some Navajo mutton and fry bread, along our road trip from Alaska to Argentina in our veggie powered truck.


0 repins 0 comments Buenos Aires, Argentina. Turismo por a la ciudad / viaje / imágenes City tour / Cityscape / Travel / Visit Con el soporte audiovisual:


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Main downtown area of Buenos Aires that includes Casa Rosada among other attractions. Other Information: Attractions at Plaza de Mayo: Casa Rosada and Obelisk Plaza de Mayo has been the center of Argentina's history. It is the site where many of the country's largest demonstrations have taken place. Protests, during the economic unrest of 2001 took place here. Remember the movie Evita with Madonna? That is the balcony where the real Evita, or Eva Peron, would appear with her husband, Juan Peron. Behind me is the obelisk built where the Argentine flag was raised for the first time. This is one of the city's major icons. Today this is the spot where city festivities take place. The national football team comes here traditionally to celebrate its victories. Guess how long it took to build this thing. 50 years? 10 years? 5 years? No, it actually took a mere 4 weeks to put this thing together. Pretty remarkable, eh? This is the widest avenue in the entire world, six lanes each way for your driving pleasure. Named Nueve de Julio for the country's independence day which was July 9th, 1816. Due to its width, close to 150 meters, it takes close to two to three lights just to cross the avenue. If you cross this avenue just 12 times, you have already done a mile. "We know that it is the widest Avenue in the world, we carry it in our hearts." I am Kristina Renee, showing you Buenos Aires.


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Etiquette Tips, Buenos Aires - Argentina Travel Guide Eating in the streets not advisable and other etiquette tips for Buenos Aires. What are some of the local customs in Buenos Aires? Take a look! Kissing on the cheek is common, even when meeting someone for the first time. This goes for men as well. Do not be surprised to find Argentines standing close to you while having a conversation. Female visitors should not be surprised to get compliments on the street as it is very common and often harmless. Even though Argentines are super friendly, they like to meet in bars or cafes if they are the host. Argentines like to dress up. When headed out, be sure to dress smartly. Eating on the street, is not considered polite. Argentines start their evening later. Nine or later if you are going to dinner and if you are hitting the night spots, things get going around Eleven. If you are given a gift, open it right away. Ten percent tipping is considered acceptable and taxi drivers do not expect a tip unless they do a special service like picking up your luggage. Mate, an herbal tea, is a very common drink in Argentina. It is served in a special cup, called a Mate, and a special straw is used to drink it. There is an entire ceremony surrounding the drinking of Mate. One person prepares the tea by pouring water in, then it is passed around. At first the taste might be very bitter and it takes some getting used to. I am Gigi Sehr, showing you Buenos Aires.


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Ushuaia is the most southern city in the world, right at the end of the South American continent. This video slideshow presentation introduces Ushuaia and some of the attractions that make it special- from Isla los Lobos, to the penguin rookeries, to the famous Martial glacier


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Ushuaia is the southernmost city of the world and my starting point for outdoor adventures in & around the Tierra del Fuego National Park. I went hiking up to Glaciar Martial, went off the beaten path to discover a colorful lagoon, found a galcier cave, went on a boat trip across the beagle channel and paddled down a river in the national park. Let me take you with me on my adventures! Travel South America with me and experience the real adventure & the pure beauty of Patagonia in the upcoming episodes. Subscribe to my channel & don't miss new episodes: previous episode: next episode: German version: === Tours: Beagle Channel Cruise - Tango & Che Navegacion, Ushuaia (office next to the harbour) Canoeing & Hike at the National Park - Canal Fun, Ushuaia ( Music: "The Way" by Adil Laresh ( Information: #HolaGringo is supported by: Hostelbookers: Traveldudes: Follow me:


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Seguí "Martiín Mosca" en Facebook y mrá todo el material adicional! Dirección/Edición: Mariano Cattaneo Producción General: Fabián Caero/Leandro Cóccaro/Hernán Márquez/Pablo Boyanovsky Bazan/Mariano Cattaneo Música: Miguel Ricardo Borzi Vestuario: Victoria Pelejero - Cecilia Portillo Arte, Escenografíia y Vestuario: Mara Capaccioni DF: Leonardo Florentino Gaffer: Gabriela Quintela Sonido directo: Chistian Karl Delhey Maquillaje y Peinado: Bernadette Medrano Diseño Gráfico: Pablo Boyanovsky Bazan Martín Mosca: Leandro Cóccaro Javier Ferraz: Hernán Marquez Jennifer: Antonella Sturla Boris: Fabian Caero


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Shopping for Leather Goods - Buenos Aires, Argentina Travel Guide Good quality leather goods at reasonable prices in Buenos Aires. Address Trotter Leather C. Pellegrini 955, Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is famous for its leather goods. You have plenty of choices for getting custom made leather goods at reasonable prices. "We sell leather jackets made from cow, sheep and goat, all of the best quality. I want you to try this one on, it is a classic model, with zippers. It is a little big but we can take it down to your size in 24 hours. Very classic but also very young." "And tell me a little bit about the prices?" "Jackets, handmade, run between 350 pesos to 1300 pesos, it depends on the model and on the leather." "And how long does a special order take?" "24 hours, we take your measurement, and it is ready the next day. We also have pants that you can make an outfit out of, this is the classic jeans cut, and is cut around the knees. As you can see the leather is of the top quality." "It is very soft!" "The leather quality in Beunos Aires is beautiful. They have got a factory leather at the back of the store so you can choose exactly what you want, which I think is great. Prices are excellent and this type of leather in our country is very very expensive. So I have found a very nice jacket today." "How much did it cost?" "Around about 690 pesos which in Australian dollars is in the high 400s, which is a very, very good price. They have said to me here that they can make the appropriate adjustments within a day! So you can take it away, like this afternoon!" I am Alessandra, showing you Beunos Aires.


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Middle school students from around the globe learned how to identify life on Mars during the NASA, ECA Collaboratory, and Google Mission Mars Virtual Field Trip. #MarsFieldTrip Transcript: [♫ Inspirational background music ♫] Lisa May (Program Executive, NASA): The Mission To Mars Virtual Field Trip is a great way to bring classrooms together as if we were on a real field trip together, investigating something and learning about something new and magnificent. And we are really fortunate that we are able to share the excitement of Mars by taking classrooms around the world with us on our journey to Mars. James Green (Director of Planetary Science, NASA): It's a wonderful opportunity for us to be able to partner with the State Department and Google in a unique form that allows us to tell everyone about what we do. So what we did is we were connected over a virtual network with schools all around the world and having local students come by gave us the opportunity to get them excited see things and hear things from NASA scientists like they have never had that opportunity before. Tyshoun (8th Grade Student Participant, Kramer Middle School): We were chatting with people, kids all around the world about the NASA experience on the road to Mars and how Obama is going to send people to Mars in 2030 to see if there was ever life on Mars. Rosalind Daniels (8th Grade Science Teacher, Kramer Middle School): When I heard about this program I was so excited because it will allow the students to have a real life example of how we can interact with things going on in Space. So I feel like this is a great opportunity for them to expand their learning and become more interested in things going on in Space. Andrew (6th Grade Participant, Kramer Middle School): What was cool is that I got to talk to an expert of science. Leilani (8th grade participant, Kramer Middle School) : I asked a question and they will answer it and I know a whole lot of new things in less than one minute. Sharia (7th grade participant, Kramer Middle School): Because it is more interactive instead of just the teacher standing there and telling you. It's more interactive because you have other opinions not just one persons. Lisa May: Certainly kids of this age really crave a connection and to feel like they are a part of something bigger and it gives them that larger perspective and compatriots around the world that they can connect with. Andrew: Because maybe one of the other countries could have helped me out with questions that I didn't know and I will learn about it. Rosalind: I have a lot of students that are interested in robotics, they want to be engineers. I hope they understand that this is something that they can do. I am just hoping that by this experience their eyes will open and they will become more interested in this field. [♫ Inspirational background music ♫] Cinematography & Editing by Kelsey Brannan.


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Malba Museum, Buenos Aires - Argentina Travel Guide See the famous 20th and 21st century artworks of Latin American artists. Website Address Avda. Figueroa Alcorta 3415 Buenos Aires, Argentina Phone/Contact Info 54 (11) 4808 6500 Other Information Showcases Constantine Collection Buenos Aires is one of the best cities in Latin America for museum going. And MALBA is one of its rising stars. MALBA, or El Museo de Arte Latin Americano en Buenos Aires, contains a Costantini Colección. It is one of the newest museums in Buenos Aires, opened in 2001. "The collection has a selection of around three hundred works from Latin American art of the 20th century and also of the 21st century. Artists from different countries especially from Argentina, from Brazil, Mexico, Chile. Some of the Artists' creative works were quite controversial at the time. One of the highlights the museum has is the work of Fernando Botero, the Columbian Artist. "The Widowers" it presents a portrait of a family, a bushwa family. This is the only work of Frida Kahlo that people ought to see in a permanent collection in Argentina. It is a self-portrait of Frida made in 1942 and it is a portrait that presents some of the usual elements that are used in her works. For example, her connections to the ideas of motherhood, the traditions of Mexico, the popular culture. This work called "Demonstration" was painted by Antonio Berni. In this case he presents this image that is quite influenced by mural painting in a way to try to depict the movement, this proactive movement that the population of Argentina was experiencing at that time. This is the work of Candido Portinari, and artist from Brazil. He also decided to present the social and also the political reality of his country in the 30's. The work that was presented a few years ago in a really controversial exhibition that was presented here in Buenos Aires. The tenor of the work is the Christian and Western Civilization and it is a work that criticize some of the platforms and main concepts that stand up all the Western society. It is also a place where we present other types of activities. Cinemas has a very important place here. We exhibit a lot of films from young directors and we also restore and preserve some old classics. Literature has an important place within conferences, book presentations and also the educational programs here are dedicated to a variety of public, not just kids but also adults, seniors, people that have special needs." What do we need to know about the museum that we have not learnt yet?" "That Tuesday is closed. And if you are a student and you present your ID you have free admission and also Wednesday is free for everyone." Wednesdays are free! Great! I am Ande Wanderer showing you Buenos Aires.


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Un video que hize mostrando partes de Mendoza con -zooms- usando la cancion de Soda Stereo.- EL FINAL no se ve como quize, (por lo menos aca) en verdad se ve mas fluido.Perdon si no se ve bien aca en YouTube! Cosas interesantes del video: Hace como mas de 2 anios que tenia muchos imagenes archivados para este video. Las camaras fueron una JVC y una Panasonic. SI, el final fue filmado con una Steady-Cam. y en verdad fue mas largo el tramo,solo que lo tuve que cortar para que entre justo con la cancion. Empeze desde la calle Espejo (esquina de Tarjeta Nevada) y camine hasta Peatonal Sarmiento y casi Patricias Mendocinas. Aca en verdad empieza desde la calle Necochea. La chica que sale al final (poniendo la tapa a la camara)es mi novia! (Susy) Esa toma, (la final) la tuvimos que hacer mas de 15 veces! Califican a Mendoza entre los diez mejores lugares del mundo para visitar Así lo indica un relevamiento de la revista National Geographic Travel, donde participaron 280 expertos. Los motivos: buena comida, vinos, hoteles y paisajes. Es la única provincia latinoamericana en el "top ten". Saludos! Filmado y editado por:Sergio Larranaga


0 repins 0 comments footage of the FIFA 2010 World Cup in South Africa from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gareth watches Argentina battle Germany for a spot in the semi-finals. The match ends with broken ribs and hurt feeling instead of flags waving and horns blowing. Enjoy. Vamos Argentina!


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Adam grabs a snack at the oldest cafe in Argentina, Cafe Tortoni, has a sample of the Yerba Mate drink, and heads to a late dinner in Buenos Aires.


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The above is my packing list for a 21 day backpacking trip through Argentina in December and early January. The video goes through each item i'll be taking and highlights how and why I pack them. This packing list is in preparation for a trip that visits Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, El Calafate, and Iguazu.


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A popular hostel where you won't run out of social activities. Website Address Hipólito Yrigoyen 959 C1086AA0 Phone/Contact Info 54 11 4345-9604 Milhouse hostel is locaded blocks from Plaza de Mayo, in the heart of Buenos Aires. "My name is Malena, I am the general manager of the hostel. I take care of basically everything in the hostel." To enter the dormitories, you have to put your finger on the sensor. There are 36 rooms at Milhouse, 15 are private and the others are dormitories for 4, 6 or 8 people. Even though they have different amenities, there is only two prices at Milhouse - one for dormitories and one for private rooms. All the rooms at Milhouse are named after famous Argentines - Quinquela Martin. "My name is Amir Masoumi, I am 29 years old from Los Angeles, California. The layout is pretty good, it is pretty clean, it is pretty nice. They have a lot of events going on in the lobby." Security is really important at Milhouse, so all the guests have to wear this security bracelet. The Milhouse does not want people just to stay here, it wants you to join the club. There are tons of free and low cost activities here. "The most popular activities, the parties we organize, the walking tours to all the different areas, the bike tours and the tango lesson." "My name is Christian, I am from Norway, I am 25 years old. There is a lot of partying going on here, like every night is packed downstairs, and you meet people from all over the world and make friends." "Most of our guests are foreigners, and we have a very good mix of people and that is what people like really, because they meet all kinds of people in here." You definitely need to make reservations. Milhouse always has a waiting list. "Last year we did a reunion party in London for many, many guests who were staying here and 5 couples approached me and told me, hey Malena, did you know that we met in Milhouse, and I was really really impressed." I am Ande Wanderer showing you Buenos Aires.


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Meet Leo & learn how he plans his travel to South America with This animated short video explains how Leo and his family work with a travel expert at to create a dream vacation to Peru, Argentina, and Brazil -- including flights, tours, guides, hotels, transfers, meals -- you name it! is a tour company that specializes in 4* & 5* trips to South America. You can design the perfect vacation package that includes all the destinations you're interested in, and then our travel experts take care of all the details. After watching the video, find out how to plan a trip to South America by creating a custom South America tour here.


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See where Maradona played and experience the colorful Caminito Street. Getting There/Directions Taxi - Subway does not go there, taxis are the best option. Other Information Wikipedia Link La Boca is one of the many barrios or neighborhoods in Buenos Aires. It is famous for two reasons, the first of which is its soccer team Boca juniors. Boca juniors is not just any soccer club, the great Diego Maradona played for it. And if you want to get up close and personal with the Boca juniors, come to La Bombonera stadium and watch a live game. La Boca is also known for this street, Caminito street, a beautiful, multi-colored area. The original residents were Italian immigrants with limited means, who used left over materials from the harbor to build these houses. To beautify the neighborhood, they used left over paint from the ships and boats. This area is generally pretty active, attracting artists, musicians and, of course, outside visitors. "What is your name?" "Alfredo Luciano." "What do you like most about La Boca?" "I like the club, Boca Jrs. and the people who treat me well, and the river, and the Chinese neighborhood, are the things that I like a lot." If you want to venture away from the main street, make sure to check it is safe before doing so. I am Gigi Sehr, showing you Buenos Aires.


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A suburb of Sydney's inner-west Newtown doesn't boast beaches but it's got that urban, gritty feel endemic to renegade living. Adding to the ambiance it's got ... hipsters, buskin' street artists, punks, and ... people of, cough, undefinable categories. Hip watering holes and funky shops line King Street where you'll even find a vegetarian butcher and other unique goodies.


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Free pdf of this script at: It is the end of Luciano's tour of Buenos Aires' historical centre but Patricia still wants to see the Teatro Colón. Luciano gives her directions but then remembers that the teatro is closed for renovations. Patricia is disappointed but then invites him for a late lunch. This is an example of the extra materials available to supplement our three-level 'Soleado' course, especially designed for continuing studies classes that teach Spanish as a foreign language.


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Buenos Aires Dinning - Argentina Travel Guide (Las Violetas) Good food at reasonable prices amidst beautiful stained glass windows. Website Address Av. Rivadavia 3899 (Esquina Medrano) Almagro Phone/Contact Info 54-11 4958-7387 Other Information Reservations not required at Las Violetas Here, in the traditional neighborhood Almagro, you can find a famous cafe: Las Violetas. It was found in the year 1884 and it is famous for its belle epoque decorations fit for a palace. The stain glass windows were imported from France. "My name is Marcelo Patricio Castro. What you are seeing now on the tanle is Maria Cala tea service. It has sweets as well as savory sandwiches, it comes with 3 glasses of fresh orange juice and tea or coffee, and is to share among 3 people. We also have our famous sweet or dry medialunas (croissants) and a great international kitchen." Medialunas which are Argentine croissants, and a variety of cakes and tea sandwiches. Here we have some brown bread tea sandwiches, ham and cheese sandwiches, a delicious cake and a lot of other sweets that you can get at the bake shop. "During the summer, a lot os tourists come, about 80% of our customers are foreigners, mostly from USA and Europe." Las Violetas also has a panaderia or bakery between traditional Argentine pastries. It is also one of the few traditional cafes in Buenos Aires to offer American salad breakfast complete with bacon and eggs. I am Ginger Gentile showing you Buenos Aires.


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This is a travel video. As the title suggests it is a sightseeing tour of the famous city of Buenos Aires, called Paris of the South. I traveled to Buenos Aires in November, 2010 and took some videos of my travel. This is Part 1 of the videos. There will be four more videos after this! Join me in my travel.


0 repins 0 comments Our family of seven leaves Lake Chapala area and drives through Jamay and Paracho - the guitar making capitol of Mexico - along our road trip from Alaska to Argentina in a veggie powered truck with five kids.


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Get up, close and personal with whales in Argentina. (Patagonia, Argentina) What makes Penisnusla Pyramida one of the best places for whale watching in the world? Well between September and December, you can see Southern Right Whales and they come very, very close to your boat. You are practically guaranteed to see them. You can choose between larger, more stable boats, or smaller rafts that allow you to get closer to the whales. No one knows why, but these whales love jumping out of the water and splashing spectators. Whales choose this bay because it is very protected, allowing them to birth their babies. "It was very great." "It was really nice." "You can see the whales, like they are very close to the boat." "You can almost touch them." "I think it was maybe around twenty..." "Ten. There was around ten. Ten to twelve." "Gigantic whales everywhere, it was beautiful!" I am Ande Wanderer, showing you Patagonia.


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Eat, drink, dance, and play with Gauchos and other Argentine locals. Location "Feria De Mataderos" in the neighborhood of Mataderos. Getting There/Directions Bus - Number 36, 55, 92, 63, 80, 92, 97, 103, 117, 126, 141, 155, 180, Or 185. "The Mataderos fair has everything that a person needs in order to enjoy life." Mataderos Fair is the best kept secret in Buenos Aires. This is a typical country fair where you can eat food, have some wine and listen to music, which you would not typically find in Buenos Aires. "I just tried some pesto and it was great. And now I am going to try some Dulce de Leche liquor. It is best in the world, let me tell you." "That liquor that you are drinking, first I make Dulce de Leche by hand, and then I add the alcohol." La Sedia de Monte Rayos began here because the gouchos or Argentine Cowboys bring their cows here to be butchered. The gouchos races through a gate or an arch and has to his knife through this ring. This big. Try that American cowboy. I am Kristina Renee, showing you Buenos Aires.


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Join two football lovers, Henning Wehn and Mark Watson, on a South American road trip to Rio in the light of the 2014 Brazil World Cup. This week, in Argentina! For more, visit Find out more about Kia: Kia Global Website: Kia Corporate Blog: Kia Global Facebook:  Kia Global Google+: Kia Global Flickr:


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