A popular hostel where you won't run out of social activities. Website www.milhousehostel.com Address HipĆ³lito Yrigoyen 959 C1086AA0 Phone/Contact Info 54 11 4345-9604 Milhouse hostel is locaded blocks from Plaza de Mayo, in the heart of Buenos Aires. "My name is Malena, I am the general manager of the hostel. I take care of basically everything in the hostel." To enter the dormitories, you have to put your finger on the sensor. There are 36 rooms at Milhouse, 15 are private and the others are dormitories for 4, 6 or 8 people. Even though they have different amenities, there is only two prices at Milhouse - one for dormitories and one for private rooms. All the rooms at Milhouse are named after famous Argentines - Quinquela Martin. "My name is Amir Masoumi, I am 29 years old from Los Angeles, California. The layout is pretty good, it is pretty clean, it is pretty nice. They have a lot of events going on in the lobby." Security is really important at Milhouse, so all the guests have to wear this security bracelet. The Milhouse does not want people just to stay here, it wants you to join the club. There are tons of free and low cost activities here. "The most popular activities, the parties we organize, the walking tours to all the different areas, the bike tours and the tango lesson." "My name is Christian, I am from Norway, I am 25 years old. There is a lot of partying going on here, like every night is packed downstairs, and you meet people from all over the world and make friends." "Most of our guests are foreigners, and we have a very good mix of people and that is what people like really, because they meet all kinds of people in here." You definitely need to make reservations. Milhouse always has a waiting list. "Last year we did a reunion party in London for many, many guests who were staying here and 5 couples approached me and told me, hey Malena, did you know that we met in Milhouse, and I was really really impressed." I am Ande Wanderer showing you Buenos Aires.


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