Eat, drink, dance, and play with Gauchos and other Argentine locals. Location "Feria De Mataderos" in the neighborhood of Mataderos. Getting There/Directions Bus - Number 36, 55, 92, 63, 80, 92, 97, 103, 117, 126, 141, 155, 180, Or 185. "The Mataderos fair has everything that a person needs in order to enjoy life." Mataderos Fair is the best kept secret in Buenos Aires. This is a typical country fair where you can eat food, have some wine and listen to music, which you would not typically find in Buenos Aires. "I just tried some pesto and it was great. And now I am going to try some Dulce de Leche liquor. It is best in the world, let me tell you." "That liquor that you are drinking, first I make Dulce de Leche by hand, and then I add the alcohol." La Sedia de Monte Rayos began here because the gouchos or Argentine Cowboys bring their cows here to be butchered. The gouchos races through a gate or an arch and has to his knife through this ring. This big. Try that American cowboy. I am Kristina Renee, showing you Buenos Aires.


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