Shopping for Leather Goods - Buenos Aires, Argentina Travel Guide Good quality leather goods at reasonable prices in Buenos Aires. Address Trotter Leather C. Pellegrini 955, Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is famous for its leather goods. You have plenty of choices for getting custom made leather goods at reasonable prices. "We sell leather jackets made from cow, sheep and goat, all of the best quality. I want you to try this one on, it is a classic model, with zippers. It is a little big but we can take it down to your size in 24 hours. Very classic but also very young." "And tell me a little bit about the prices?" "Jackets, handmade, run between 350 pesos to 1300 pesos, it depends on the model and on the leather." "And how long does a special order take?" "24 hours, we take your measurement, and it is ready the next day. We also have pants that you can make an outfit out of, this is the classic jeans cut, and is cut around the knees. As you can see the leather is of the top quality." "It is very soft!" "The leather quality in Beunos Aires is beautiful. They have got a factory leather at the back of the store so you can choose exactly what you want, which I think is great. Prices are excellent and this type of leather in our country is very very expensive. So I have found a very nice jacket today." "How much did it cost?" "Around about 690 pesos which in Australian dollars is in the high 400s, which is a very, very good price. They have said to me here that they can make the appropriate adjustments within a day! So you can take it away, like this afternoon!" I am Alessandra, showing you Beunos Aires.


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