
Bson L

Travel to Germany


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Studio version of 'Never' is available for download now on iTunes and Amazon. iTunes: http://bit.ly/1efpb50 Amazon: http://amzn.to/1joqTcz Thanks to everyone for their support. https://itunes.apple.com/album/never/id677678608?i=677679096 http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00E89RJ7G/ref=as_li_ss_tl? https://www.facebook.com/alltheluckintheworld http://soundcloud.com/alltheluckinthe... Recently featured in an advertisement for Trivago. Lyrics: We wish we wish and all we do is wait We hope we hope but never do we pray Cause we know there's not much to say We grow we grow but never do we change We mould we fold we always rearrange a dream When it is not a success It's gotta be this one I know it is I know it is It's this one I know it is I know it is It's this one, it's you Now and then I think of what you said And it eats me up running through my head So just beat me up so I can feel your pain Know, I know that you do think of me Not as a lesson learned but a fond memory But I wish I never knew you, wish I never asked your name It's gotta be this one I know it is I know it is It's this one I know it is I know it is It's this one, it's you I know I know it's difficult, I know I know it's difficult We've grown we've grown so far apart But these ships these ships don't sail away They wait they wait for another day And they will float again Oh no we're lost for words again Now and then I think of what you said And it eats me up running through my head So just beat me up so I can feel your pain Know, I know that you do think of me Not as a lesson learned but a fond memory But I wish I never knew you, wish I never asked your name


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I down't claim any coryrights from this video. Music copyrights are owned by Sony Music Entertainment. The song belongs to Scorpions. I just made a slideshow, using this perfect ballad from their last album "Sting in the tail". Hopey you enjoy it... please rate and comment! Lorelei - Scorpions There was a time when we sailed on together Once had a dream that we shared on the way There was a place where we used to seek shelter I never knew the pain of the price I would pay You led me on with a cloak and a dagger And I didn't know you had made other plans You had me believe we were meant for forever I really thought my heart would be safe in your hands Lorelei My ship has passed you by And though you promised me to show the way You led me astray You were my lorelei What kind of fool was I Cause I believed in every word you said And now I wonder why Lorelei There was a time when we held one another Bearing our souls in the light of the flame Those were the days now I've lost my illusions Sometimes I wake in the night and I call out your name Lorelei My ship has passed you by And though you promised me to show the way You led me astray You were my lorelei What kind of fool was I Cause I believed in every word you said And now I wonder why Lorelei Now there's a light that shines on the river Blinding my eyes from so far away Shot through the heart but now I know better As hard as it is to resist the song that you play Oh Lorelei My ship has passed you by And though you promised me to show the way You led me astray You were my lorelei What kind of fool was I Cause I believed in every word you said And now I wonder why Lorelei


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Um zu gewinnen : Daumen HOCH & KOMMENTAR schreiben Hier ein paar Geschenk-Tipps : http://youtu.be/NBIhE5PvANI ! Die versteckte Zahl ist diesmal eine Anmerkung :) PLAYSTATION 4 + EIN SPIEL DEINER WAHL ZU GEWINNEN! Der genialste YouTube Adventskalender aller Zeiten! Vom 01. bis zum 24. Dezember erwartet euch jeden Tag ein Video auf folgenden Kanälen: http://www.youtube.com/BibisBeautyPalace http://www.youtube.com/Dagibeee http://www.youtube.com/twintv http://www.youtube.com/LIONTTV http://www.youtube.com/LunaDarkoOfficial http://www.youtube.com/KAYEFTV http://www.youtube.com/TZON4life WAS MUSST DU TUN UM ZU GEWINNEN? 1.) Die Teilnahmebedingung ist, dass du Abonnent von jedem von uns bist, da wir speziell unseren Abonnenten eine Freude machen wollen. 2.) In jedem Video erfahrt ihr eine Zahl zwischen 1 und 9! Sie wird nicht versteckt sein sondern deutlich sichtbar, allerdings an einer beliebigen Stelle im Video. 3.) Diese Zahlen müsst ihr euch notieren, am Ende des Gewinnspiels habt ihr so einen 24-stelligen (!) Zahlencode. 4.) Diesen sendet ihr an xmasgang@gmx.de -- Der Gewinner wird aus allen richtigen Einsendungen ausgelost! 01.12. Bibis Beauty Palace 02.12. Dagi Bee 03.12. TWIN.TV 04.12. LIONTTV 05.12. Luna Darko 06.12. KAYEFTV 07.12. TZON4life 08.12. Bibis Beauty Palace 09.12. Dagi Bee 10.12. TWIN.TV 11.12. LIONTTV 12.12. Luna Darko 13.12. KAYEFTV 14.12. TZON4life 15.12. Bibis Beauty Palace 16.12. Dagi Bee 17.12. TWIN.TV 18.12. LIONTTV 19.12. Luna Darko 20.12. KAYEFTV 21.12. TZON4life 22.12. Ein gemeinsames Video von Dagi Bee, Bibis Beauty Palace und Luna Darko 23.12. Ein gemeinsames Video von LIONTTV, KAYEFTV, TWIN.TV und TZON4life 24.12. Ein Video mit allen zusammen, um das Projekt abzuschließen Verlinkt uns auf Facebook, Twitter und Instagram mit dem Hashtag #xmasgang, um in den 3 Wochen zu zeigen, dass ihr mit uns am Start seid. Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit! Eure #XMASGANG ▸ Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/THEREALLIONT ▸ Instagram : @lionttv ▸ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheRealLiont ▸ ask.fm : http://www.ask.fm/LIONT ▸ Kontaktadresse/Business Inquiries: LiontMedia@gmail.com ( Adresse NUR für Geschäftliche Anfragen ) ▸ Meine Klamotten gibt es hier : http://www.sexstreetboys.spreadshirt.de


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World's 5 Most Haunted Castles - as part of the travel series by GeoBeats. Given their history and events, many believe castles to be among the most haunted places on Earth. Here are 5 of the most haunted. Number 5 is The Eltz Castle in Germany. This majestic stronghold was built in the 12th century and was never captured by invading armies.The castle still remains in the ownership of the family that has possessed it for 33 generations. According to legends, the castle grounds are still haunted by medieval knights. Number 4 is Chillingham Castle. Originally built as a fortress more than 800 years ago, it is Located in Northumberland UK. One of the scariest place here is the torture chamber where thousands of people, mainly Scottish captives were tortured and killed. The tools used for torture such as boiling pots and for gouging out eyes are still intact. Number 3 - The 13th century Poenari Castle is situated on a hill, deep within Romania's countryside. The castle, was home to the Prince, Vlad the Impaler who's also referred to as Dracula and said to be the inspiration behind the character in novel Dracula. He's said to have brutally tortured and killed scores of people and their spirits are said to haunt the site today. Even his wife is said to have jumped from the tower to her death. Number 2 - Located about 3 hours from New Delhi in the state of Rajasthan, Bhangarh Fort feared by many in India. The fort along with the surrounding town was established in 16th century but abandoned by the early 18th century. Local legend says the area is cursed and it is believed any roof built here collapses. Even the Indian Government has a sign prohibiting entry before or after sunrise. Number 1 is the Dragsholm Castle in Denmark. Originally built in 1215, the castle is said to be haunted by many Ghosts. The most notorious ghost is that of Grey Lady, a former employee of the castle and that of White Lady, daughter of one of the previous owners who was imprisoned in the castle by her father for loving a commoner.


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The world renown TV Channel in an exclusive report on best places to visit has categorized Sri Lanka as the 2nd best place to visit. Out of the 20 countries it many well known tourist destinations are listed far behind Sri Lanka. Under this list Hong Kong occupies the 9th place, Bali 7th place, Mauritius 4th place and Zanzibar 3rd place. In an exclusive report on Sri Lanka the commentators Travel Writer of the Times, Jil Crawshow and Editor of Wandertrust Magazine describes Sri Lanka as definitely a best place to visit. Opening the commentary with the first world traveler Marco Polos description of Sri Lanka as the Jade Pendant in the Indian Ocean the commentators say Sri Lanka is exactly what it is and Sri Lanka has got basically everything for a tourist. Commenting about the beaches, they say Sri Lanka has hundreds of miles of amazingly undiscovered beaches and coral marine life, and it is one of the greatest island for beaches. The comment that Sri Lanka got a wonderful history and culture in a really small space and describes the ancient 6th century city Sigiriya, the palace built on a top of rock as place not to miss. Commenting on Sri Lankas wild life and the availability of elephants and leopards, they make special reference to the Pinnawala Elephant Sanctuary. They describe that Pinnawala was started in 1975 with 7 elephants and it has now 65 elephants and it is the largest herd in captivity. The commentators have not even spared to mention about the food available in Sri Lanka. They say that if anyone wants to taste spicy curry then, definitely, Sri Lanka is the place to go. On 10th January New York Times placed Sri Lanka on the top of the list of "The 31 Places to Go in 2010" http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/10/travel/10places.html --- Direct flights between Lanka, Switzerland soon Dec 10 (DN) Swiss Ambassador Thomas Litscher said he would work towards establishing a direct airline connection between Sri Lanka and Switzerland. Litscher who called on Prime Minister D M Jayaratne at Visumpaya Tuesday, said over 10,000 Swiss tourists arrived in Sri Lanka last year. http://www.dailynews.lk/2010/12/10/news26.asp ---- TOURISM INFORMATIONS SOURCES http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Sri_Lanka Official Tourism Site - Sri Lanka 1. http://www.srilankatourism.org/ 2. http://www.srilanka.travel/ Hotels and other documents http://www.infolanka.com/org/srilanka/travel.html World Travel Guide - Sri Lanka http://www.worldtravelguide.net/country/260/country_guide/Indian-Subcontinent/Sri-Lanka.html Lonely Planet Sri Lanka http://www.lonelyplanet.com/sri-lanka Sri Lankan Airlines Official website http://www.srilankan.lk/ Arrivals & Departures http://wwn.srilankan.aero/ SRI LANKA HOLIDAY CALENDER http://holidayyear.com/sri-lanka-2010-cal.php SRI LANKA HOLIDAY PACKAGES & INFORMATIONS http://www.jetwingtravels.com/ http://www.srilanka.com/ http://www.thomson.co.uk/destinations/indian-ocean/sri-lanka/sri-lanka/holidays-sri-lanka.html http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-country/Sri%20Lanka/tpod.html http://www.go-lanka.com/ ATRRACTIONS Horton Plains- Central highlans-beautiful landscapes http://www.mysrilankaholidays.com/horton-plains.html Nuwara-eliya: central highland: beautiful mountains, waterfalss, tea estates/factories(ceylon tea) http://www.mysrilankaholidays.com/nuwara-eliya.html Ancient cities-Anruadhapura http://www.mysrilankaholidays.com/anuradhapura.html Marco Polo' historic tour http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/polo_marco.shtml


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