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Travel to Austria

Hallstatt, Austria http://www.myvideomedia.de English see below [dt.] Hallstatt im Salzkammergut, liegt am Hallstätter See im Bundesland Oberösterreich. Noch Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts war Hallstatt lediglich per Schiff oder über schmale Pfade zu erreichen. Dennoch verfügt der Ort über eine reiche Geschichte. Erste Funde datieren aus der Zeit um 5.000 v.Chr. Der Grund für die frühe Siedlungstätigkeit lag im Salzbergbau. Das älteste Bergwerk der Welt ist im Rahmen von Führungen zugänglich. Die erste Soleleitung der Welt wurde bereits im 19. Jahrhundert nach Ebensee am Traunsee verlegt. Die Häuser der eng bebauten Ortschaft liegen meist direkt am See und waren bis zum Bau einer Straße nur über die Dachböden von oben erreichbar. Die anderen schmiegen sich malerisch an die steil ansteigenden Berghänge. Seit Dezember 1997 ist die Region Hallstatt - Dachstein / Salzkammergut in der Liste der UNESCO-Welterbe. [en.] Hallstatt a small town in the Salzkammergut is located at the south-western shore of the Hallstätter See in upper Austria. Till the end of the 19.th Century Hallstatt could only be reached by ship or narrow paths. Nevertheless the place has a rich history. First finds date from around 5.000 B.C. The reason for the early settlement activities and the prosperity lays in the salt mining. The first brine line of the world to the small town Ebensee was built in the 19.th Century. Guided tours to the world´s oldest salt mine are available. The houses of the narrow village are located directly at the lake. Before the road has been built they were attainable only from above over the attics. The others nestle picturesquely to the steeply rising mountainside. Since December 1997 the region Hallstatt - Dachstein / Salzkammergut is part of the UNESCO list of Cultural Heritage.


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SUBSCRIBE for more to feed your wanderlust! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=contiki Contiki is the world leader in youth travel, with tours for 18-35s across Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Latin America & North America. http://www.contiki.com http://www.facebook.com/contiki Day 2 highlights from The RoadTrip. We head into one of the world's biggest celebrations, Oktoberfest. The guys battle it out in the first challenge to win a trip for one of you. Don't forget to subscribe for highlights from the rest of The RoadTrip. http://www.OnTheRoadTrip.com __________________________ Paris Gathering: https://www.facebook.com/events/467047096648856/ London Gathering: https://www.facebook.com/events/509048069124808/ _______________________ Corey Vidal http://www.youtube.com/coreyvidal Jesse and Jeana http://www.youtube.com/bfvsgf Tim Deegan http://www.youtube.com/timjdeegan Jack Douglass http://www.youtube.com/jacksfilms Charles and Alli Trippy http://www.youtube.com/CTFxC Nadine Sykora http://www.youtube.com/heynadine Charlie McDonnell http://www.youtube.com/charlieissocoollike Bryarly Bishop http://www.youtube.com/bryarlybishop Michael Aranda http://www.youtube.com/michaelaranda Kate Elliot http://www.youtube.com/katersoneseven Jimmy Wong http://www.youtube.com/jimmy Meghan Camarena http://www.youtube.com/strawburry17 Memories aren't created from the things you said you'd do. They're built from things you've done. The moments captured. The worlds discovered. This lifetime seized. You only get one, after all. So make it count. A journey with Contiki is a kaleidoscope of unexpected adventures, inspiring places, lifelong friendships, brilliant stories & unforgettable moments. But most of all, it's living life out loud, utterly & completely. #NOREGRETS


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SUBSCRIBE for more to feed your wanderlust! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=contiki Contiki is the world leader in youth travel, with tours for 18-35s across Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Latin America & North America. http://www.contiki.com http://www.facebook.com/contiki Day 4 highlights from The RoadTrip. We make out way from Austria down to Italy, and the incredible city of Venice. Hold on, as we try a little whitewater rafting along the way. Don't forget to subscribe for highlights from the rest of The RoadTrip. http://www.OnTheRoadTrip.com __________________________ Paris Gathering: https://www.facebook.com/events/467047096648856/ London Gathering: https://www.facebook.com/events/509048069124808/ _______________________ Corey Vidal http://www.youtube.com/apprenticeeh Jesse and Jeana http://www.youtube.com/bfvsgf Tim Deegan http://www.youtube.com/timjdeegan Jack Douglass http://www.youtube.com/jacksfilms Charles and Alli Trippy http://www.youtube.com/CTFxC Nadine Sykora http://www.youtube.com/heynadine Charlie McDonnell http://www.youtube.com/charlieissocoollike Bryarly Bishop http://www.youtube.com/bryarlybishop Michael Aranda http://www.youtube.com/michaelaranda Kate Elliot http://www.youtube.com/katersoneseven Jimmy Wong http://www.youtube.com/jimmy Meghan Camarena http://www.youtube.com/strawburry17 Memories aren't created from the things you said you'd do. They're built from things you've done. The moments captured. The worlds discovered. This lifetime seized. You only get one, after all. So make it count. A journey with Contiki is a kaleidoscope of unexpected adventures, inspiring places, lifelong friendships, brilliant stories & unforgettable moments. But most of all, it's living life out loud, utterly & completely. #NOREGRETS


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SUBSCRIBE for more to feed your wanderlust! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=contiki Contiki is the world leader in youth travel, with tours for 18-35s across Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Latin America & North America. http://www.contiki.com http://www.facebook.com/contiki The RoadTrip kicks off with our first gathering in Munich, and afterwards we check out some of the city's coolest sights. Don't forget to subscribe for highlights from the rest of The RoadTrip. http://www.OnTheRoadTrip.com __________________________ Paris Gathering: https://www.facebook.com/events/467047096648856/ London Gathering: https://www.facebook.com/events/509048069124808/ _______________________ Corey Vidal http://www.youtube.com/coreyvidal Jesse and Jeana http://www.youtube.com/bfvsgf Tim Deegan http://www.youtube.com/timjdeegan Jack Douglass http://www.youtube.com/jacksfilms Charles and Alli Trippy http://www.youtube.com/CTFxC Nadine Sykora http://www.youtube.com/heynadine Charlie McDonnell http://www.youtube.com/charlieissocoollike Bryarly Bishop http://www.youtube.com/bryarlybishop Michael Aranda http://www.youtube.com/michaelaranda Kate Elliot http://www.youtube.com/katersoneseven Jimmy Wong http://www.youtube.com/jimmy Meghan Camarena http://www.youtube.com/strawburry17 Memories aren't created from the things you said you'd do. They're built from things you've done. The moments captured. The worlds discovered. This lifetime seized. You only get one, after all. So make it count. A journey with Contiki is a kaleidoscope of unexpected adventures, inspiring places, lifelong friendships, brilliant stories & unforgettable moments. But most of all, it's living life out loud, utterly & completely. #NOREGRETS


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Adventures by Disney is adding exciting new vacations to our collection this year. On the family trip to Austria, Germany & Czech Republic, you'll spend 9-day immersed in the treasures and hidden stories of Prague, Salzburg, Vienna and the Bavarian Alps. Our newly enhanced Italy vacation includes added VIP experiences from Rome to the Tuscan countryside. And we're pleased to introduce specialty departures for families traveling with teenagers on trips to Peru, Costa Rica and the Southwest. Read more at the Disney Parks Blog: http://bit.ly/11KYu6g SUBSCRIBE: http://di.sn/q7h About Adventures by Disney: Adventures by Disney delivers all the ingredients for unforgettable trips to some of the world's most popular destinations. And, best of all, because every detail is taken care of, you can focus on spending time with your family and enjoying your vacation. Connect with Adventures by Disney Online: Visit the Adventures by Disney WEBSITE: http://di.sn/r7l Like Adventures by Disney on FACEBOOK:http://di.sn/aE5 About Disney Parks: Every parent knows the treasure that memories can be. They're the only way to keep our children forever young. And Disney memories? They're magical things filled with color, wonder and laughter. The kind of memories that live happily ever after in our hearts. So don't wait a moment longer. There's a Disney memory waiting for you right now at a Disney Park. Connect with Disney Parks Online: Visit the Disney Parks WEBSITE: http://di.sn/hF6 Like Disney Parks on FACEBOOK: http://di.sn/hEO Follow Disney Parks on TWITTER: http://di.sn/t86 2014 New Vacations Announcement | Adventures by Disney | Disney Parks http://www.youtube.com/user/disneyparks


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