Fly Qantas Economy flight from Brisbane to Los Angeles. It's the first leg of my journey to Kelowna in British Columbia. This flight was around 13 hours followed by an Air Alaska flight from LA to Vancouver then Air Canada Jazz from Vancouver to Kelowna. Total travel time including airport waits was about 28 hours! YouTube channel: Subscribe here: Facebook page: Fly Qantas Economy longhaul flight experience, Boeing 747-400 See for articles and photos Music: Title: Deja Vu (SS_4705) Album: Grass Roots Tempo: 101 BPM 00:17.8 Frames Per Beat 04:22 Block of 8 Beats Instruments: Country Band Description: A straight-forward country backdrop, heartfelt and pure. The steady pace offers the right amount of outdoorsy flavor to the proceedings. Composer: Kent Forward (BMI) 100.0% Publisher: Squeedle Publishing (BMI) 100.0% Source: Studio Cutz


Bson L

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