Niagara: Boat trip directly to the falls Boot Niagara: Bootsfahrt direkt zu den Wasserfällen Niagara: Boat trip directly to the falls Niagarafälle Niagara Falls Ohne Regenschutz wird man bis auf die Haut nass. Viele Kameras versagen den Dienst wegen der Nässe. Teilweise habe ich mit meinem wasserdichten Smarthone gefilmt. Trotzdem mußte ich das Gerät manchmal abwenden. Meine Brille war voller Wassertropfen. Ich konnte manchmal fast nichts mehr sehen und habe trotzdem weitergefilmt. Ein irres Erlebnis. Without rain-protection you will get wet to the skinMany cameras fail to work, because of the wetness. Sometimes I filmed with my waterproof Smarthone. Still, I sometimes had to turn the device. My glasses were full of water droplets. Sometimes I could almost not see - but still I have filmed yet further. An incredible experience. Maid of the Mist. Enjoy impressions of Niagara Falls from the boat. You should not miss a boat trip with the "Maid of the Mist". You move along the thunderous waterfalls directly to a curtain out of water and spray. Two 350 HP strong diesel engines give this ship necessary power and maneuverability to navigate so close to the falls with up to 600 passengers. Every means of transportation is summoned, you can admire the falls from a helicopter, go on a balloon flight, or you cross the river by cable car, escorted by seagulls and cormorants flying incessantly through the spray. Waterfall horseshoe kanadisch amerikanisch Wasserfall Schiff Schifffahrt ship


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