It's Halloween! Time to make some....CANDY CORN VODKA! Infusions are so much fun, and holidays are a great time to get creative and make a festive alcohol infusion. The best part of Halloween is the candy, and the all-time classic Halloween candy is the sweet little white, orange, and yellow triangles that we eat by the bag every October. So what could be better than pairing candy corn with liquor?! This infusion is sweet and delicious, and so versatile! We drank ours with cream soda for a simple, unique cocktail, but the possibilities are endless for this badass vodka flavor! Plus, it turns into a vibrant orange color, making it the perfect booze to have on hand at Halloween parties! Check out all of our other awesome Halloween recipes, and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss our next holiday party ideas! RECIPE: ======= 1 Bottle of Vodka Bag of Candy Corn 1 Empty Bottle Cream Soda CHRISTINA'S VIDEOS: FIND TIPSY BARTENDER ==================== TWITTER: FACEBOOK: BUY T-SHIRTS: WEBSITE:


Bson L

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