A breakdown of the costs incurred for my trip by train from Bangkok to Singapore and by air from Singapore to Phnom Penh. As an expat living in Thailand since 1996, Scott Mallon has worked as a photojournalist, been inside both Bang Kwang and Klong Prem Prisons, lost months at a time partying the days and nights away, been hospitalized several times, been near death once, fought in Muay Thai, managed a world-rated championship boxer, trained professional boxers, been thrown in jail, and fathered two children. Somehow, through it all, he's managed to remain married to the same Thai woman. You'll get the good, the bad, and the ugly from someone who has lived here - really lived. No touristy fluff, no backpacker BS, no illusions of grandeur, only the truth as An American in Bangkok sees it. An American in Thailand - http://www.anamericaninbangkok.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/anamericaninbangkok Twitter - https://twitter.com/AnAmericanInBKK Google Plus - http://bit.ly/14njyQ7 Full details of the royalty free licence for the video clips and music used in this video can be found at: http://www.anamericaninbangkok.com/video-blocks.html


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