Get more info on universal truth - AN AUSTRALIAN internet and radio show guru was detained illegally (kidnapped) for 9 days for conditionally consenting to pay over $132,000 worth of traffic fines 'upon poof of claim' that he lawfully can bee charged for 'traveling freely'. Under common law sovereign citizens are free to travel from A to B without being forced into unlawful fees, fines or being arrested and or/detained for doing so. The judge encouraged one of the few world renowned living experts on 'Astrotheology' and 'Syncretism' Santos Bonacci to be 'medically evaluated ' to see he he has any underlying health issues. This is a typical reaction by a judge as they are either A) Know the defendant is lawfully correct and wants the case dismissed B) Judge is used to defendants 'going along' with 'legalities' instead of 'law' they are truly in shock of a citizen using different procedures and has simply shaken up in the court. EDIT FEB, 6th: It is also noteworthy to add in a radio show broadcast from Canada via skype, Santos Bonacci praised most of the court procedures, especially, the judge. In opening Santos appeared after being locked up with only fruit for nine days. He calmly asked the judge the desire of a lawful and peaceful outcome to the procedings. He also stated on the radio show on the same day, that staff at Dandenong Police Station were receptive and treated him with respect for the vast majority of his time behind bars. He went on to say "The energy he put out, is the energy he received in return", reffering also to some inmates whom he described as being restless and created a negative experience for themselves. Being locked up for nine days, Santos could only find positives in his reflection. Connecting with inmates and Officers with his passion of Syncretism, Law and connecting on personal levels. A quick search for 'common law wins' on youtube will find you many results in the western legal system of how apparently simple it can be to walk away from almost any case where there is no victim and the governments obsession with large profit is involved. Commonly refereed to as 'wining with common law argument' The tricky thing about using 'law' to beat 'legalities' is that there is no one unified blueprint in winning a case. Like with any court case, each case still has to be dealt with individually and the strength of the 'defendants identity' will need to outshine formal 'legalities', so to speak. Some of the similarities you will find in a defendant whom walks away from cases like this usually embody the following attributes during proceedings: - Confidence - Strong knowledge of the difference between Law and Legalities - Never consents to any unproven claims or unlawful identification - The surrender of the 'Birth Certificate' to the crown - Opens with stating to be a witness to the fraud of the name on the birth certificate - Only identifies themselves as a living human being, not a name and/or states family name is irrelevant to the purpose of the witness appearing on the day. One man in the UK, whom has won many cases against the government, explains how if he is ever detained by government agents again, he now charges them by the hour for 'use of his time'. He sends them more paperwork and notices than he has ever received himself. The latter is a perfect example of how each person who seems to come out on top, essentially find their freedom by talking charge of proceedings themselves and have 100% faith in themselves and the ultimate truth their actions and words. Hence, you truly need to know and you must be 100% truthful and honest to yourself and anyone you communicate with. You cant 'wing it and win', for want of a better word. The Santos Bonacci case has been adjourned until April 1st 2014. Yes. April fools day may see the publication of Santos 'winning' this potentially groundbreaking case be viewed as a 'prank'. But the real joke will be on the crumbling of the legal system. For those who look above for predictions, it seems the stars will be sending Santos all the supportive energy he needs. April 2014, will not be a good month for a rigid legal system only being held together by straw and a compliant few whom keep playing the role of the straw men.


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