www.JPBouvetMusic.com (online lessons, play alongs, interviews, etc, etc) @JPBOUVET First of all, thank you to the wonderful people who made this trip possible. Thank you to the Bandung Drums Day for reaching out to Meinl and thank you to Meinl for being the connector. Thank you to all the people I met on my way through Southeast Asia. Whether you housed me, helped me when I was lost, played drums with me, attended the clinic, had a private lesson, or I met you at the festival or at a clinic, I thank you immensely for your support. This trip was a life changing experience for me, largely due to the wonderful PEOPLE I met along the way. Meinl Cymbals, DW Drums, Remo Heads, Vic Firth Sticks, Ahead Armor Cases Music from The Bad Plus, Drew Ofthe Drew, and Dave Mackay Group is used in this video.


Bson L

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