Real Life Japan is a series in which you can see what it is really like to live in Japan. This is just my everyday normal life here. You can see what it looks like to live in Japan. I live in Kobe, Japan. This is my city and these are the places I go, the things I do and the people I meet. Enjoy. Transcript: Alright, so I'm going to go pay my rent today. Today is the 1st of the month. It's December 1st. It's really cold today. My rent is 45,000 yen. That's about 500 US dollars. I'll show you what it looks like here. So, these are 10,000 yen notes, so that's ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand, forty thousand and this is a five thousand yen note right here, okay, so that's 45,000 yen. So here in Japan we use like the postal system. We can use the postal system as a bank. There are ATM's at the post office. So I keep some money there and I just pay my landlord directly by depositing money directly into her postal account. Anyways, I'm going to go pay my rent at the post office now. Okay, so I'm going outside now. Gas man. Alright, yeah, the post office is really close to my house. I'm just going to cut through a little tiny ally here. Look how narrow this road is here. Isn't that cool. Only in Japan. Okay, I'm almost at the post office. Nothing is going to draw more attention than a big white gaijin holding a camera in your face. This is where I have to pay my rent. いっらしゃいませ。通帳又はカードをお入れください。しばらく、そのままでお待ちください。 Just put my money in here. Okay, I just payed my rent and now I'm going to go get some vegetables so I can make dinner tonight. Illegally parked. There's the supermarket. It's looks crowded. I'm looking for celery. I'm going to the hundred yen shop. Alright, I finished all my errands. Ah, it's so cold today, and I'm just walking back home now through the park. Oh, we can see the beautiful fall leaves here changing colors. That's nice. 全て言って: hello, good morning, 後は?How are you? Thank you. 合ってるよ。 My name is . . . What are you guys doing? 何しているの? えっとね~、どんぐりを崩して、はとに餌をあげとう はとのため? Okay guys, have fun. 楽しんでください。Bye bye


Bson L

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