Assistant Secretary of State Ann Stock welcomes you to the State Department's new J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor Program website. Transcript: Hello. I'm Ann Stock, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs. Welcome to the J-1 Visa website. Everything you need to know about the J-1 visa exchange visitor program can be found right here. The site is designed to be extremely easy to use. Great new features include our interactive map, participant and sponsor information and first-hand stories about our programs. Each J-1 visa program page contains eligibility information, common questions, and next steps. If you want to take part in one of our programs, be a sponsor or a host, our homepage can point you in the right direction. Applicants can find a sponsor organization and learn about the J-1 visa process. Current J-1 visa holders can find answers to their questions and sponsors can find regulations. Host families and employers can learn more about the program. Find out more about the J-1 visa site at


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