Daven and Michelle arrive in Auckland, New Zealand and dive right in! With lots of things on their to-do list, Daven goes for an exploratory adventure ride on a Bularangi Motorbike while Michelle meets up with the friendly staff at Living Nature to learn more about their all-natural skin care and beauty products in this episode of Wanderlust where Daven and Michelle find beauty and inspiration in the city of Auckland, New Zealand. Watch Michelle's Air New Zealand Futuristic Makeup Tutorial: http://youtu.be/5FUypvyU52s Next Episode: Visiting a Local Handbag Designer [EP 2]: http://youtu.be/S6z6QXtYGX4 Find beauty and inspiration around the world in FAWN's Wanderlust. Watch episodes of Wanderlust here: http://goo.gl/CJ2qb For more information on traveling to New Zealand, visit: http://goo.gl/f1Aaw http://newzealand.com http://facebook.com/PureNewZealand http://twitter.com/PureNewZealand http://youtube.com/PureNewZealand http://pinterest.com/PureNewZealand Special thanks to: Air New Zealand http://airnewzealand.com http://twitter.com/AIRNZUSA http://facebook.com/AirNewZealandUSA Bularangi Motorbikes http://bularangi.com/motorcycle-tours Living Nature http://livingnature.com Subscribe to FAWN: http://goo.gl/DptTm FAWN on the Web: http://fawn.tv http://youtube.com/FAWN http://facebook.com/fawnofficial http://twitter.com/FAWNinc http://pinterest.com/FAWNinc http://instagram.com/FAWNinc http://google.com/+FAWN For All Women Network (FAWN) is a lifestyle network for women created by Michelle Phan. New videos and tutorials are added weekly. Music: Carl M. Cartagena http://icehouseindustries.com


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