A very interesting interview with Mr. Jason Zong, Chief Operating Officer of Home Inns & Hotels Management Inc. Taken on 29 October 2009 at the Grand Hyatt Singapore, the interview was unplanned, and shot just before the beginning of the second, and final day of the Budget & Economy Hotels Asia 2009 forum. The sheer numbers discussed within this interview are staggering, and Mr Zong has already agreed to future, and more in-depth, interviews with ASIA Travel Tips.com, which is great news, as there is understandably a lot more we have to ask him about the future development of this very fast growing company, and of the quite incredible development of hotels within China as well as the development of Chinese hotel brands overseas., These topics have, as yet, had reasonably little coverage in English-language travel trade media. It is safe to say, that that is about to change.


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