Ten American YouTubers in Poland competed in the Urban Challenge, a scavenger hunt which took us all over Warsaw. We weren't allowed to take taxis or use Google Maps, but could ask locals for help and take local buses or trolleys. I was teamed up with Dan Dobi, who shot most of this video. You should totally go subscribe to him too: http://www.youtube.com/dandobi FYI, I will finish 31 Friends in September. Also, Greg Answers Questions & Douchbaggery will be back! (Plenty of Polish Douchbaggery coming this week!) Music by Nathan Wills Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/paradigma Internet: http://www.nathanwillsmusic.com Check out the other YouTubers I hung out with on the trip: http://www.youtube.com/DudeLikeHELLA http://www.youtube.com/Katersoneseven http://www.youtube.com/dandobi http://www.youtube.com/jimmy http://www.youtube.com/strawburry17 http://www.youtube.com/thewillofdc http://www.youtube.com/catrific http://www.youtube.com/Italktosnakes http://www.youtube.com/lekkostronniczy All of the uncut videos from the Ustream camera at the event are here: http://www.youtube.com/LiveOnIphone


Bson L

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