SUBSCRIBE for more to feed your wanderlust! Contiki is the world leader in youth travel, with tours for 18-35s across Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Latin America & North America. Watch Parker from the Sundayfundayz get adventurous in Latin America & try local treats like sheep head soup, coca leaves, reeds and toad juice! We know Latin America -- from the way it tastes on your tongue, to how it makes your heart thump, it is one adventurous destination. We sent the boys from Sundayfundayz to Peru, Brazil & Argentina to share their adventures with you & now we're giving you the chance to start your own. Watch the five videos, vote for your favourite & suggest your own Latin American challenge. The one who's video gets the least votes will have to perform the activity suggested by YOU on the streets of their hometown -- Vancouver, Canada. SUBSCRIBE TO SUNDAYFUNDAYS: Memories aren't created from the things you said you'd do. They're built from things you've done. The moments captured. The worlds discovered. This lifetime seized. You only get one, after all. So make it count. A journey with Contiki is a kaleidoscope of unexpected adventures, inspiring places, lifelong friendships, brilliant stories & unforgettable moments. But most of all, it's living life out loud, utterly & completely. #NOREGRETS


Bson L

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