Continue to part 2/2 here: Back in October 2012, we covered a protest staged by the Free Pass Movement (abbreviated as MPL in Portuguese) for the National Free Fare Fight Day in São Paulo, Brazil. Earlier this year, we aired a documentary about the first round of demonstrations, where the MPL warned it was going to bring São Paulo to a halt. Demonstrations this past June started up again after the bus fare went up R$ 0.20 (eight cents) in the city. For a protest called by the MPL on June 6, 2013, thousands of people joined in. Things got out of control after the police reacted to demonstrators who blocked the 23 de Maio Avenue, a major highway in the city. Not really understanding what had happened, a lot of people called the whole movement a group of punks; "vandals" and "troublemakers" were the most common adjectives used to describe the MPL. Trying to use the publicity to become stronger and pressure even more the state and city administrations, the MPL promptly called for a another demonstration. For the next protest, on June 11, a small crowd marched in heavy rain from Paulista Avenue to downtown. São Paulo had been brought to a halt for sure, and the fare would have to go down. Or, so the MPL thought. But Governor Geraldo Alckmin and Mayor Fernando Haddad still refused to negotiate transportation-fare reductions. On the contrary, Alckmin told the police to be even tougher on the protesters. Which brings us to the fateful protest on June 13. While the mainstream media in Brazil continued to call for more violence against demonstrators, more people than ever joined the protest in front of the Municipal Theater. While going up Consolação Street, the masses had to stop, as they were blocked by the police. Before they could negotiate their route, the police hit hard with rubber bullets and tear gas. Officers cornered everyone, arresting tons of people, and shooting rubber bullets aimlessly. Dozens were hurt, including people who were just passing by. Among the injured were more than 20 journalists from different outlets who were just doing their job. The police's brutal reaction was widely documented and helped turn around public opinion about the movement. Watch Teenage Riots in Brazil here: Check out the Best of VICE here: Subscribe to VICE here! Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr:


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