Learn about Argentine steak and why locals say it is the best in the world. Address 4691 Guatemala and Gurruchaga Buenos Aires In Argentina, the country with the highest per capita meat consumption in the world, you can expect to find a great steak. Good climate, open spaces and clean water are some of the reasons that Argentina has the best beef in the world. And parillas, or steakhouses, like this are not hard to find. "Why is Argentine meat the best meat in the world?" "It would be for the class of cow that we have, the countryside, the way it is raised. The most popular cuts are the "vacio," the "bife de chorizo," and the "lomo." "Can you tell us a little bit about the typical condiment of Argentina, the "chimi-churri?" "The chimi-churri sauce does not have a lot of spices, I make it by hand. It has ground up pepper, black pepper, parsley, oil and vinegar. The tourists love chimi-churri, they order a steak and cover it with it. The Argentines use it more with sausage." Nowhere else but Argentina will you find a steak this juicy and tender, and big. "This is "chorizo" (sausage) that is ground up beef and pork with spices. This is made with blood and meat, but very little meat." I am Gigi Sehr showing you Buenos Aires.


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