
We are here on Earth as travellers, transient spirits on a conscious or unconscious quest for the significance of our stay. The purpose of my book is to serve as a travel guide, as an inspiration, as a motivating element for the individual who wishes to make the trip worthwhile and exciting. It is about the art of successful living. We are all headed for the same ultimate destination; where we vary are the stopovers along the way and how long we stay. We all have the same potential, where we differ is the realization of that potential. The earnest intent behind "The Buck Stops with You" is to turn people on to their own power. To remind ourselves of our greatness and at the same time our vulnerability. At the end of each chapter, I remind the reader: Memento Qui Tu Es or Remember who you are. I truly believe that we have forgotten who we truly are and who the other is. This work is beyond self-improvement, it is about self transformation, it is about self mastery. It is about taking a quantum leap into a different zone, a different way of living; it is about inspiring the reader to aspire to greater joy, peace and happiness, not as ends unto themselves but as by-products of a new state of consciousness, a new state of being. In the book, I encourage people to be themselves in this world which not only encourages conformity but prizes it. We have lost the USE of our innate intuition. We need to transcend ourselves, our body, our emotions, our intellect, as we are far beyond those. This book is about mastership. We lie in the lap of tremendous intelligence which makes us recipients of Its wisdom and truth only waiting for our acknowledgement and USE. There is a way out of all this mess. To trust and create our own imagination, our own innermost thoughts and USE them for the betterment of the whole with no one left out. In our society, we idolize sports personalities, rock stars, movie stars, we envy them, and we try to imitate them. Wh.


Amber Brown

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