
Family Adventure/Travel, through the Balkans, Egypt and Sr Lanka. How a family escapes the rat race, only to arrive at their new home in Sri Lanka, one day before the 2004 Tsunami. There an no other books in publication telling the story of surviving the five waves that hit the beaches of Sri Lanka in such graphic detail; and there are no other books telling the story of a family taking their children out of school and going off traveling for good. Home schooling, building a home & business and bonding as a family whilst nature and the world keep throwing all sorts of challenges at them. It is written in a light hearted, humorous way; providing a real in site into how life is when you leave the system for. Somewhere Different. There are two more books in production making it a unique trilogy of what its like to escape the rat race. The book is also a road trip, traveling through Croatia, Macedonia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey. Mum and Dad and three young children in an old American camper van. Lots of dialect and lots of action all the way to Sri Lanka where the action reaches a new level when describing how they all survived the Longest day of their lives.


Amber Brown

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