No matter where you are, you can be a Jewish star...thanks to "Honika Electronica!" Music video credits: Executive Producer - Eric Schwartz Song by - Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-E Director - Snehal Patel of Director of Photography - Rodney Charters, ASC Editor - Jess Carfield Lady Gaga - Suze Q Robot-ah - Avo Soltes Costume Designer - Desiree Castro Animator - Andrew Dickinson Makeup/Hair - Kurumi Uchino Assistant Director - Jon Crawford Assistant Camera - Jon "The Freeze" Ruiz Gaffer - Phil Matarrese Production Assistant - Sumeeta Kumar Propmaster - Adriana Garza Wardrobe- Adina Sullivan Craft Services - Mary Kay Griepentrog DIT - Cole Stern Filmed a tProHD Rentals, Burbank Download at Ignore this: Hanukkah Honika Chanukah Chanukkah Hanuka Hanukah Twanukah Channukah Hannukah Electronica Xmas Christmas Holiday Eric Schwartz Smooth comedy parody funny music video @StopHunger Mazon Manischewitz Kosher Adam Sandler Neil Diamond Song robot beets beats electronic deli grandma bubbe bubby Nefesh B'Nefesh Flash Mob Israel Zionism Judaism Aliyah Snehal Patel Fearless Productions Chanuka Jerusalem Olim NBN Dance Ben yehudah חנוכה ירושלים עולים נפש בנפש בן יהודה ריקוד פלשמב


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