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Travel to Israel

Sukkot refers to the Jewish holiday commemorating those forty years in which the Jewish people wandered in the desert. During this holiday the Kurd congregation in Israel holds a colorful out door festivity. Lets join our Israeli correspondent Isabella Xiong for more. Kurdistan is the geographical area that spreads out over parts of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Armenia. Most of the Jewish Kurds immigrated to Israel during 1950. Today the community consists more than 160,000 people that are scattered all over Israel with a majority that is located in Jerusalem. This community strives to preserve its tradition, culture and the Aramaic language. This Sarane festivity conveys the care for nature by celebrating it with folk songs and dances, yet a major part of the festivity is simply enjoying out doors with family members and friends. [Abraham Siman Tov, Community Leader]: This is a community with a lot of character and Im proud to be a part of it. A member of a diligent, and devoted community that its people don't need others apart from themselves people are doing for themselves, for the community and for the country. Mordechai Yona screened the movie From Exile to Salvation which presents the Jewish way of life in Kurdistan, as it was in the past. Mr. Yona, believes this movie can help the younger generation to preserve their heritage. This year the participants in the Sarane festival were mainly young people. We noticed one man in particular who stood apart from all the others. He danced the whole evening and encouraged others to join the people that were dancing in circles. [Yosef Rabin, Participant]: The responsibility of the leader is to guide and also to watch peoples steps within this circle that I lead without creating any gaps between them. Since everybody else in this circle but me are holding hands, Im the only one who can make more moves. The duration of the melody, though, surprised me. Each music piece lasted for about 15 minutes so...no wonder the leader was soaking wet. Isabella Xiong, NTD, Israel For more news and videos visit ➡ ‪http://english.ntdtv.com‬ Follow us on Twitter ➡ ‪http://twitter.com/NTDTelevision‬ Add us on Facebook ➡ ‪http://on.fb.me/s5KV2C


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Connect on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arithemc New Reggae CD: http://arithemc.bandcamp.com/album/tzfat-reggae Lyrics: Yom Kippur by Ari Lesser 8/28/13 It's Yom Kippur, and I need much more Atonement than I could ever hope for This song I send to you my friend In case I offended lets make amends Please forgive me if I wronged you If you wronged me I forgive you too And may G-d forgive all of Yisrael Like He forgave Yonah in the whale The word of HASHEM came one day To Yonah ben Amittai to say "Go to the great city of Nineveh And call them out for their wicked ways" But Yonah did not want to go, so he Ignored THE LORD and just tried to flee He found some sailors, paid them a fee And journeyed with them out into the sea But G-d sent a mighty wind, it blew And threatened to break the ship in two The crew was afraid, what should they do? Yonah was the only one who knew He said, "This storm is because of me For away from G-d I tried to flee Just pick me up throw me in the sea And then HASHEM will let you be" The sailors thought that was too hardcore Instead they tried to row back to shore But when the storm increased even more They listened and threw Yonah overboard And from the moment that he was released The waters were calm and the wind just ceased HASHEM let the sailors go in peace While Yonah sunk to the deepest deeps G-d sent a giant whale his way It swallowed Yonah, and there he stayed Inside the whale, for three full days He turned his heart to HASHEM, he prayed And since G-d hears the voice of man He forgave Yonah and gave the command For the whale to spit him out on dry land And Yonah was back right where he began It's Yom Kippur, and I need much more Atonement than I could ever hope for This song I send to you my friend In case I offended lets make amends Please forgive me if I wronged you If you wronged me I forgive you too And may G-d forgive all of Yisrael Like He forgave Yonah in the whale Now the word of HASHEM came back that day To Yonah, again saying, "Don't delay Go to the great city of Nineveh And say to them what I tell you to say" Yonah complied and went for a ride To the great city which was so wide A three day walk from side to side He entered the center of town, and cried He said, "Pay attention, for Nineveh Will be wiped away, in forty days" But the people heard what he had to say They believed in G-d so they changed their ways All over the city it became known His word even reached the king on his throne Who commanded that all of his people atone Their transformation became full blown They fasted and sat in ashes, lamented From their deeds, G-d saw they'd repented They stopped doing evil, so He relented But Yonah was angry at G-d he vented "I'm fed up, is this not why I fled? When you should do harm to the wicked instead You show them mercy, so now go ahead And take my life, cause I'd rather be dead" HASHEM decided He had to show Yonah a lesson, for he did not know So He commanded a plant to grow It rose up above Yonah's head below He felt relieved as he sat in its shade And greatly rejoiced in the plant G-d made But G-d sent a worm the very next day To attack the plant and the plant decayed The sun beat down on Yonah's head Until his skin was burnt and red He asked for his soul to die for he said "With this kind of life I'm better off dead" God said to Yonah, "I really can't Believe that you're grieving about one plant Which you did not work for in any way Which sprouted and died in single a day And as for me shall I not take pity Upon Nineveh, this enormous city With thousands of human beings who might Not know their left hand from their right" It's Yom Kippur, and I need much more Atonement than I could ever hope for This song I send to you my friend In case I offended lets make amends Please forgive me if I wronged you If you wronged me I forgive you too And may G-d forgive all of Yisrael Like He forgave Yonah in the whale


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Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera. +972 54 6905522 zahigo25@walla.com צחי שקד, מורה דרך ומדריך תיירים. מצלם אותם בכל הזדמנות 0546905522 This page is devoted to the Church of the Milk Grotto, in Bethlehem, a place traditionally described as the site where the Virgin Mary stopped to breast feed the Baby Jesus during the flight to Egypt. "And after the wise men departed, behold an angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph, saying Arise, and take the child and his mother and fly into Egypt: and be there until I shall tell thee. For it will come to pass that Herod will seek the child to destroy him." Matthew II 13-19. A legend recalls how Mary spilt some milk while breast feeding baby Jesus thus turning the stone of this cave a "white stone" color. The church was built on this site and contains the "white stone rock"The powdery substance of this rock is evident to this very day. In Bethlehem this church has for long centuries been a traditional devotional site; the church which known as "Magharet el Saiyidee" in Arabic meaning The Grotto of our Lady, can be found southeast of the Basilica of the Nativity, this church is frequently visited by local women, Christians and Moslems alike, to ask for the intercession of Mary Mother of Jesus. For an account of Mary and Joseph flight into Egypt read this document as excerpted from Otto Meinardus book entitled "Holy Family In Egypt". For further more information and the open hours of the church please visit the The Palestinian Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities This church was built by St. Paula, who lived in Bethlehem and died there in 404 A.D., this church was naturally dedicated to the Virgin Mary, but at one time was called St. Paula (either by mistake by the builder or for one of the numerous other churches built in Bethlehem by St. Paula). In the 14th Century this church was known as the Church of St. Nicholas, as shown in a Papal Bull of Gregory XI in 1375, authorizing the Franciscans to rebuild it, which was not then done. The Franciscans first took possession of the church sometime after 1347 after they became caretakers of the Sanctuary of the Nativity. The soft white stones in this church were exported to many European churches under the name of The Virgin's Milk. It was one of these relics that Gerard III, Bishop of Bethlehem, took to the camp of King Baldwin III during the siege of Ascalon in 1153. The present building around the Grotto was put up by the Franciscans in 1872, some of the old church mosaics and traces of original walls remain to this day. The church was extensively rebuilt, remodeled, and adorned with marble and hand cut sculptures, benches, icons, and engravings by Issa A. Michael Hazboun and sons in 1934-1935. Another tradition going back to the VII century is located at this site and is the burial place of the innocent children which were the victims killed by Herod the Great after Jesus' birth.


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Download the whole album: http://arithemc.bandcamp.com/album/tzfat-reggae Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arithemc Lyrics by Ari Lesser Music - "Exit Rhythm" - by Jeremiah Ben Zion for Maameen Productions Produced by Maameen Productions - http://www.facebook.com/MaameenProductions Engineered and mixed by Yosef Hutner Audioworx - http://www.facebook.com/yhaudioworx Drums, bass, keys & strings by Jeremiah Ben Zion Guitar by Andy Alpern Illustration by H. Cowland, Yael Cohen, Avi Solomon, and Family Cowland The Ten Plagues Because you won't let My people depart I'm sending My plagues against your heart You and your servants soon shall see In all of the earth there is none like Me And if I chose, I could send My hand To wipe you out from the face of the land But I let you live so you may declare How great My Name is everywhere From the rivers to the lakes to the puddles in the mud Every drop of water shall be turned into blood The fish life will perish, the river will stink The Nile will be vile and impossible to drink And from the bloody waters, frogs will ascend To enter the houses of you and your friends They'll creep through your bed, in your kitchen too They'll hop in your food and they'll climb into you When the frogs die their stench will disgust Then lice infestation shall form from the dust The lice will reach each corner of the land Living on the bodies of animal and man Because you won't let My people depart I'm sending My plagues against your heart You and your servants soon shall see In all of the earth there is none like Me And if I chose, I could send My hand To wipe you out from the face of the land But I let you live so you may declare How great My Name is everywhere On you and your land shall be unleashed A horde of vicious and venomous beast Emerging even from under the ground Except in the region My people are found A severe epidemic will kill all the sheep And horses, and donkeys and camels, you keep Your cattle will fall in the blink of an eye But no livestock of My people will die A handful of soot from the fireplace Shall be thrown to the sky right before your face Then burning and blistering boils will begin To erupt on you and your servants' skin Because you won't let My people depart I'm sending My plagues against your heart You and your servants soon shall see In all of the earth there is none like Me And if I chose, I could send My hand To wipe you out from the face of the land But I let you live so you may declare How great My Name is everywhere A hail of fire will fall from the sky And all that lives in the field will die Both man and beast, every blade of grass Each tree in the field, the hail will smash Some of your food may survive the rain But locust swarms will consume what remains They'll enter your borders from all around So thick that you can't even see the ground Then deep darkness will fill this place Til no man sees his brother's face For three long days there will be no light Your land will be black as the darkest night Because you won't let My people depart I'm sending My plagues against your heart You and your servants soon shall see In all of the earth there is none like Me And if I chose, I could send My hand To wipe you out from the face of the land But I let you live so you may declare How great My Name is everywhere Then eevery firstborn man shall die When midnight strikes your land shall cry A sound like there has never been Nor will there ever be again Your son will die and you will grieve You'll pay My children just to leave You'll dress them in your very best You'll give them all that they request They will no longer be your slaves For I will bring them forth to save Redeem and take them as My own Then lead them through the desert home


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Download the whole album: http://arithemc.bandcamp.com/album/tzfat-reggae Connect on Facebook: www.facebook.com/arithemc Music & Production: Facebook.com/MaameenProductions Lyrics by Ari Lesser There's so much I'm grateful for Today a cannot ask for more I have my heart and soul and strength This life is blessed so I give thanks Give thanks to the Universal One Give thanks for the moon and stars and sun Give thanks for the Earth on which we live Give thanks for the bounty she can give Give thanks for tree and the fruit it grows Give thanks for the cup that overflows Give thanks for the food and drink and air Give thanks there's more than enough to share Give thanks for the extra we can spare Give thanks for the clothes we have to wear Give thanks for the comfort of our beds Give thanks for the roofs above our heads There's so much I'm grateful for Today a cannot ask for more I have my heart and soul and strength This life is blessed so I give thanks Give thanks to the Only Source Of All Give thanks for the big and for the small Give thanks for the low and the highest height Give thanks for the dark and for the light Give thanks for the times of joy and song Give thanks for the pain the keeps us strong Give thanks because we're still alive Give thanks this moment has arrived Give thanks our path has brought us here Give thanks, we lived another year Give thanks for the past we left behind Give thanks for the future we will find There's so much I'm grateful for Today a cannot ask for more I have my heart and soul and strength This life is blessed so I give thanks Give thanks to Infinite Most High Give thanks no matter how or why Give thanks in every time and place Give thanks we're part of the human race Give thanks for the people that we meet Give thanks for the neighbors on our street Give thanks for the teachers that we had Give thanks for every mom and dad Give thanks for the family that we got Give thanks for the friends we like a lot Give thanks for the ones who we hold dear Give thanks that those we love are hear There's so much I'm grateful for Today a cannot ask for more I have my heart and soul and strength This life is blessed so I give thanks


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Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arithemc Download this song at: http://arithemc.bandcamp.com/track/purim-poetry-slam-2 Lyrics: Ari Lesser 2/17/13 This song goes out to Ahmadinejad The Jews don't fear you, we fear God We don't give damn, about your evil plans Cause no man can stand up against God's hand Not first to curse us, won't be the last And if I were you a would learn from the past Many came before you to do us wrong But they're all long gone and we still stand strong In ancient Iran lived I man named Haman Who rose in the capital of Shushan When he walked down the street every man he would meet Was commanded to bow to the ground at his feet But there was one guy, named Mordechai A Jew who served only God Most High Day after day, he refused to obey So Haman decided to make him pay But it wasn't enough just to kill one man Instead he devised a grand master plan And persuaded the king to kill every Jew From the land Cush all the way Hodu Drew random lots to determine the date Put our people's lives in the hands of fate And it fell on the thirteenth day of Adar They would slay every Jew both near and far When we heard the news we wept and fasted Sackcloth and ashes spread through the masses We humbled our hearts all of Yisrael Prayed that the wicked Haman would fail This song goes out to Ahmadinejad The Jews don't fear you, we fear God We don't give damn, about your evil plans Cause no man can stand up against God's hand Not first to curse us, won't be the last And if I were you a would learn from the past Many came before you to do us wrong But they're all long gone and we still stand strong Haman just could not wait for the date That the Jewish people would meet their fate Cause every day he saw Mordechai at the gate And his heart was filled with so much hate When he complained to his friends and his wife They told Haman, "Just take that Jew's life" So he built a gallows fifty amos high And tried to have the king, hang Mordechai But the queen secretly turned out to be A girl from a nice Jewish family So she came in to the king, told him That someone was trying to wipe out her kin Enraged anyone would threaten the life Of those close to the queen he chose as a wife The king asked her, "Who's behind this plan?" She said, "This wicked Haman is the man!" He trembled in terror he lost control He begged queen Esther to spare his soul But the king decided Haman must die On the gallows that he had made for Mordechai This song goes out to Ahmadinejad The Jews don't fear you, we fear God We don't give damn, about your evil plans Cause no man can stand up against God's hand Not first to curse us, won't be the last And if I were you a would learn from the past Many came before you to do us wrong But they're all long gone and we still stand strong President of Iran your just like Haman But instead of the gallows you're building a bomb You want to see Mordechai's family dead But your wickedness'll drop down on your own head Open your ears, we won't disappear Been here three thousand eight hundred years We were slaves to Pharaoh, but God set us free And tossed the Egyptians in the Red Sea The wicked Balak and Bilaam tried messing With us, but their curse turn into a blessing Canaanites tried to fight us but all Of them had to fall like Jericho's walls Goliath the Philistine talked a lot Before he got knocked him out with a slingshot Assyrians conquered every other land But they ran when they came up against God's hand Babylon took us into captivity But we're back, they been gone since BCE And Haman, who decreed every Jew should die Got hanged on the gallows he made for Mordechai Our enemies fade but we still exist Do you really want to add your name to the list? You've warned if you don't proceed with caution We'll name a food after you like Hamantaschen This song goes out to Ahmadinejad The Jews don't fear you, we fear God We don't give damn, about your evil plans Cause no man can stand up against God's hand Not first to curse us, won't be the last And if I were you a would learn from the past Many came before you to do us wrong But they're all long gone and we still stand strong


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