To watch more of my video interviews, visit and Lilou's Juicy Living Tour and webTV is an independent media. Donate to support the Juicy Living Tour at 'Breatharian RE-defined: Someone who taps into multiple energy and food sources other than the regular food the world knows. Here is a positive message for a super charged, high energy conscious life! Biography Kirby De Lanerolle is an Executive advisor to the Minister of Social Services, working director of the National Volunteering Secretariat, Council member of the National Council of persons with disabilities, Co Founder of the Warehouse Project and co chair to IYV + 10 National Steering Committee as well a Director of several private companies, empathic healer AND a breatharian Kirby has gone without food for extended periods of time over the last 5 years. He's known amongst his friends to hardly ever eat - sometimes months on end. More recently Kirby has run a half marathon without eating absolutely anything at all for 2 months. He is the only breatharian to be featured on the National Geographic Chanel after completing 10 months with only 7 meals. In these days Kirby has a couple of meals a month and enjoys drinking tea and fresh juice. He lives to teach others about the power of love as a force of transformation and spends time in contemplation of the Lords communion. Kirby is NOT STATING THAT MAN DOES NOT HAVE TO EAT or promoting a non-eating lifestyle. In fact he believes that food is a gift from God and should be enjoyed. Kirby does eat occasionally, however it is important to note HE DOES NOT GET HIS ENERGY solely from food. It is his hope that others through this page will learn to have authority over their food selection and quantities in order to improve their health and well being by giving food its due place and priority in their lives. Here's to CONSCIOUS EATING!! ' - source Stay tuned on the Juicy Living Tour and where it is right now in the world from Lilou's facebook fan page at COPYRIGHT © 2014 LILOU PRODUCTIONS, INC


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