Connect on Facebook: New Reggae CD: Lyrics: Yom Kippur by Ari Lesser 8/28/13 It's Yom Kippur, and I need much more Atonement than I could ever hope for This song I send to you my friend In case I offended lets make amends Please forgive me if I wronged you If you wronged me I forgive you too And may G-d forgive all of Yisrael Like He forgave Yonah in the whale The word of HASHEM came one day To Yonah ben Amittai to say "Go to the great city of Nineveh And call them out for their wicked ways" But Yonah did not want to go, so he Ignored THE LORD and just tried to flee He found some sailors, paid them a fee And journeyed with them out into the sea But G-d sent a mighty wind, it blew And threatened to break the ship in two The crew was afraid, what should they do? Yonah was the only one who knew He said, "This storm is because of me For away from G-d I tried to flee Just pick me up throw me in the sea And then HASHEM will let you be" The sailors thought that was too hardcore Instead they tried to row back to shore But when the storm increased even more They listened and threw Yonah overboard And from the moment that he was released The waters were calm and the wind just ceased HASHEM let the sailors go in peace While Yonah sunk to the deepest deeps G-d sent a giant whale his way It swallowed Yonah, and there he stayed Inside the whale, for three full days He turned his heart to HASHEM, he prayed And since G-d hears the voice of man He forgave Yonah and gave the command For the whale to spit him out on dry land And Yonah was back right where he began It's Yom Kippur, and I need much more Atonement than I could ever hope for This song I send to you my friend In case I offended lets make amends Please forgive me if I wronged you If you wronged me I forgive you too And may G-d forgive all of Yisrael Like He forgave Yonah in the whale Now the word of HASHEM came back that day To Yonah, again saying, "Don't delay Go to the great city of Nineveh And say to them what I tell you to say" Yonah complied and went for a ride To the great city which was so wide A three day walk from side to side He entered the center of town, and cried He said, "Pay attention, for Nineveh Will be wiped away, in forty days" But the people heard what he had to say They believed in G-d so they changed their ways All over the city it became known His word even reached the king on his throne Who commanded that all of his people atone Their transformation became full blown They fasted and sat in ashes, lamented From their deeds, G-d saw they'd repented They stopped doing evil, so He relented But Yonah was angry at G-d he vented "I'm fed up, is this not why I fled? When you should do harm to the wicked instead You show them mercy, so now go ahead And take my life, cause I'd rather be dead" HASHEM decided He had to show Yonah a lesson, for he did not know So He commanded a plant to grow It rose up above Yonah's head below He felt relieved as he sat in its shade And greatly rejoiced in the plant G-d made But G-d sent a worm the very next day To attack the plant and the plant decayed The sun beat down on Yonah's head Until his skin was burnt and red He asked for his soul to die for he said "With this kind of life I'm better off dead" God said to Yonah, "I really can't Believe that you're grieving about one plant Which you did not work for in any way Which sprouted and died in single a day And as for me shall I not take pity Upon Nineveh, this enormous city With thousands of human beings who might Not know their left hand from their right" It's Yom Kippur, and I need much more Atonement than I could ever hope for This song I send to you my friend In case I offended lets make amends Please forgive me if I wronged you If you wronged me I forgive you too And may G-d forgive all of Yisrael Like He forgave Yonah in the whale


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